LPC812 microboard, DS18B20 thermometer and 2.5 digits indicator. First it displays 64 bit serial number of the connected thermometer and then displays current temperature on a 2.5 digits indicator. LED blinks at constant speed (period is 1s).
- 2.5 digits indicator board.
- LPC812 microboard (MCU clock is 12Mhz from internal oscillator).
- One LED.
- DS18B20 termomether.
Used peripherals:
- SPI0 (16-bit, speed is the same as MCU clock.
- Multi-Rate Timer (MRT) for millisesonds delay.
Project uses external libraries:
- LPCOpen 3.02 library for LPC8xx
- 2.5 digits indicator library
- 1-Wire library
- DS18B20 library
More info at: http://wp.me/p31f2I-oH
Video: http://youtu.be/0Xp2Hgbzp0Y