Fullstack MERN (MongoDB for database, Express and Node for backend, and React for frontend) simple Meal Planner application which allows users performing CRUD operations :
- Create a Meal
- Read meals
- Update a meal
- Delete a meal
What is the MERN stack?
MERN stack is a web development framework. It consists of MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS as its working components. Here are the details of what each of these components is used for in developing a web application when using MERN stack:
- MongoDB — a document-oriented, No-SQL database used to store the application data.
- Express(.js) — a framework layered on top of NodeJS, used to build the backend of a site using NodeJS functions and structures.
- React(.js) — a client-side JavaScript framework. It is a library created by Facebook and it's used to build UI components that create the user interface of the single page web application.
- Node(.js) — is a single-threaded, open-source, cross-platform runtime environment for building fast and scalable server-side and networking applications.
The project goal:
Backend features:
- initialize backend using npm and install necessary packages
- set up a MongoDB database
- set up server using Node.js and Express.js
- set up a database schema using monoose
- set up API routes to create, read, update and delete documents from the database
- set up controller functions for API routes
- testing API using Postman (or Insomnia)
Frontend features:
- unitialize the 'create-react-app frontend'
- install 'axios' and use it to send a GET request to the backend to fetch the data
- use useState and useEffect React Hooks to manipulaite with data
- create React components and unit them in App.js
- styling app with CSS in App.css document
MongoDB | Express.js | React | Node.js