GeoServer supports clustering using JMS cluster plugin or using the ActiveMQ-broker.
This setup uses the JMS cluster plugin which uses an embedded broker. A docker-compose.yml is provided in the clustering folder which simulates the replication using a shared data directory.
The environment variables associated with replication are listed below
- Specified whether clustering should be activated.BROKER_URL=tcp://
- This links to the internal broker provided by the JMS cluster plugin. This value will be different for (Master-Node)READONLY=disabled
- Determines if the GeoServer instance is Read onlyRANDOMSTRING=87ee2a9b6802b6da_master
- Used to create a unique CLUSTER_CONFIG_DIR for each instance. Not mandatory as the container can self generate this.INSTANCE_STRING=d8a167a4e61b5415ec263
- Used to differentiate cluster instance names. Not mandatory as the container can self generate this.CLUSTER_DURABILITY=false
- Differentiates if the instance will be a MasterTOGGLE_SLAVE=true
- Differentiates if the instance will be a NodeEMBEDDED_BROKER=disabled
- Should be disabled for the NodeCLUSTER_CONNECTION_RETRY_COUNT=10
- How many times try to connect to brokerCLUSTER_CONNECTION_MAX_WAIT=500
- Wait time between connection to broker retry (in milliseconds)