A neovim port of the Noctis theme for VSCode with TreeSitter support.
Note: This colorscheme is under active development, but is mostly usable at this point. Docs and a bunch of useful features with mostly no breaking changes will be added.
Currently lush.nvim is a pre-requisite. Install it with your preferred package manager.
Plugin Manager | Command |
Packer | use { 'kartikp10/noctis.nvim', requires = { 'rktjmp/lush.nvim' } } |
Vim-plug | Plug 'kartikp10/noctis.nvim' |
NeoBundle | NeoBundle 'kartikp10/noctis.nvim' |
Vundle | Bundle 'kartikp10/noctis.nvim' |
Pathogen | git clone https://github.com/kartikp10/noctis.nvim.git ~/.vim/bundle/noctis.nvim |
Dein | call dein#add('kartikp10/noctis.nvim') |
syntax on
colorscheme noctis
- TreeSitter
- Telescope
- Lualine
- Bufferline
- NvimTree
- GitSigns
This colorscheme is inspired by the following:
If you're interested in creating your own theme I highly recommend checking out lush.nvim to get started. It provides real-time feedback and guides you in building structured colorschemes.