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Team project where we implemented and experimented with image compression algorithms. Lossless and lossy compression with vector quantization, mean-removal vector quantization, LBG algorithm, differential encoding and Golomb coding.


  1. Create virtual environment with virtualenv .venv.
  2. Activate venv with source .venv/bin/activate.
  3. Install packages with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  4. Activate git hooks with pre-commit install.
  5. Install vector_quantization as a package with pip install -e .. This will allow doing imports like from vector_quantization import ..
  6. Go to vector_quantization subfolder.
  7. Launch application with python

IMPORTANT: on commiting black formatter and flake8 will check code. To enable this checking run command pre-commit install.

Running tests

Run tests with pytest in root

LaTeX document

  1. Install LaTeX
  2. Edit docs/template.tex with your editor, for example TeXMaker

Pair programming

Install Live Share extension for VSCode..