A copy of the rules can be found in rules.pdf, which is published by the software group of the department of Computer Engineering at Sharif University of Technology. Here's a minimal template that follows most of the rules. Feel free to use it.
- If you have any questions, please open an issue in English.
- You are welcome to submit a PR.
- Overleaf version with XeLatex compiler is available. See https://www.overleaf.com/read/xtpycyxzzkjh
- I would like to thank Ramtin for sharing the content and first version of this template with me.
You can change the fonts (don't forget to place them in the fonts folder):
- The current fonts come from this repository:
BoldFont=XB NiloofarBd,
ItalicFont=XB NiloofarIt,
BoldItalicFont=XB NiloofarBdIt
]{XB Niloofar}