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Lightweight customizable range slider with labels (but without jQuery)


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Feature rich, highly customizable range slider with labels (but without jQuery)

Table of contents


Rangeslide with labels and tooltip Example with different label positioning Rangeslide with range selection (2 thumbs) Example with temporal data

Quick start

Several quick start options are available:

Download the latest build


Install From Bower

bower install rangeslide.js --save

Install From Npm

npm install rangeslide.js --save



Including files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/rangeslide.css">
<script src="/path/to/rangeslide.js"></script>

Using require.js:

var rangeslide = require("rangeslide"); // or whatever module name was assigned


All you need to do is invoke rangeslide on an element:

var myRangeslide = rangeslide(domNode, options);

You can also initialize with css selector string:

var myRangeslide = rangeslide("#elementId", options);


There are some example usages that you can look at to get started. They can be found in the examples folder.


rangeslide.js can accept an options object to alter the way it looks and behaves. If no options object is passed default values are used. The example of a structure of an options object is as follows:

  data: [
  	{ name: "example1", item: "Example text" },
  	{ name: "example2", item: "Another example text" },
  	{ name: "example3", item: function() { return "And yet another example text"; }
  showLabels: true,
  showTicks: true,
  labelsPosition: "alternate",
  startAlternateLabelsFromTop: true,
  startPosition: 0,
  thumbHeight: 16,
  thumbWidth: 16,
  handlers: {
    initialized: function(rangeslideElement) {},
    valueChanged: function(data, rangeslideElement) {},
    markerClicked: function(data, markerElement) {}

Here is the explanation of options object:

Option Type Description Default Options
animations Boolean Enable slider animations true
autoPlay Boolean Enable auto play mode false
autoPlayDelay Number Delay (in miliseconds) between steps in auto play mode 1000
data Array Array of data objects (property 'name' is mandatory []
dataSource String Name of the property containing actual values "value"
enableLabelClick Boolean Enable click on labels true
enableMarkerClick Boolean Enable click on track markers true
enableTrackClick Boolean Enable click on track true
endPosition Number Position of max thumb (only in "range" mode) Infinity
handlers Object Event handlers collection {}
highlightSelectedLabels Boolean Enable highlighting of selected labels false
labelsPosition String Position of labels on a rangeslide 'below' 'above', 'below', 'alternate'
labelsContent String, Function Specifies label content. Can be name of attribute or function (data item as parameter) null
labelsWidth Number Width of labels 60
leftLabel String Text to display on left side label ""
loop Boolean Enable loop when auto play mode is active true
markerSize Number Size of track marker (pixels) 14
mode String Sliders operation mode (see Modes) "single" "single", "select", "range"
rightLabel String Text to display on right side label ""
showLabels Boolean Show/hide labels false
sideLabelsWidth Number Width of left and right side labels 40
showTrackMarkersProgress Boolean Indicate progress on markers false
showTicks Boolean Show/hide label ticks false
showTrackMarkers Boolean Show/hide track markers false
showTrackProgress Boolean Indicate progress on track false
showTooltips Boolean Show/hide tooltips on track markers false
showValue Boolean Show/hide value indicator false
spacing String How to calculate distance between markers "equidistant" ("data-driven" if all items are Date instances) "equidistant", "data-driven"
startAlternateLabelsFromTop Boolean Show first label above if labelsPosition is 'alternate' false
startPosition Number Initial position of rangeslide thumb 0
stepSize Number Size of rangeslider step 16
thumbHeight Number Height of thumb element (in pixels) 16
thumbWidth Number Width of thumb element (in pixels) 16
tickHeight Number Height of label's tick (in pixels) 16
tooltipContent String, Function Specifies tooltip content, same as labelContent 7
valueIndicatorContent String, Function Specifies value indicator content, same as labelContent null
valueIndicatorOffset Number Value indicator offset from rangeslider thumb 5
valueIndicatorWidth Number Width of value indicator (in pixels) 32
valueIndicatorHeight Number Height of value indicator (in pixels) 32
valuePosition String Position of value indicator 'above' 'above', 'below', 'thumb'


Data collection for rangeslide is provided during instatiation or later using "data" attribute in options. By default values for slider are taken from "value" attribute. If provided data item do not have this attribute then it is required that you specify the name of the attribute using dataSource in options. Number of steps (markers) for a slider is equal to number of items passed in data collection.

rangeslide("#element" {
	data: [
    	{ key: "data1", value: "simple string data"},
        { key: "data2", value: 2 },
        { key: "data3", value: 0.001 } },
        { key: "data4", value: { "passing": "object", "as": "data" } },
        { key: "data5", value: "more text here" }

Rangeslide constructed with the above data will have 5 steps (markers).


Methods are called on rangeslide instances. You shoud save the instances to variable to have further access to it.

object getValue()

Get current rangeslide value. Returns single value when in "single" mode, otherwise returns array.

var item = rangeslide.getValue();

object getMinValue()

Get current rangeslide minimum value. Returns null if in "select" mode.

var item = rangeslide.getMinValue();

object getMaxValue()

Get current rangeslide maximum value. Returns null if in "select" mode.

var item = rangeslide.getMaxValue();

object getRange()

Get current range. Returns empty array if mode is other than "range".

var item = rangeslide.getRange();

object getSelection()

Get current selection. Returns empty array if mode is other than "select".

var item = rangeslide.getSelection();

DOMNode getElement()

Gets rangeslide's DOM node object.

var node = rangeslide.getElement();

void setValue(int index)

Set rangeslide value by specifying data index.


void setMinValue(int index)

Set rangeslide minimum value by specifying data index.


void setMaxValue(int index)

Set rangeslide maximum value by specifying data index.


void setValueByAttribute(string attributeName, object attributeValue)

Set rangeslide value by specifying property and value. If multiple data items with the same names are found first one is set.

rangeslide.setValueByAttribute("id", 123456);

void setMinValueByAttribute(string attributeName, object attributeValue)

Set rangeslide minimum value by specifying property and value. If multiple data items with the same names are found first one is set.

rangeslide.setMinValueByAttribute("id", 123456);

void setMaxValueByAttribute(string attributeName, object attributeValue)

Set rangeslide maximum value by specifying property and value. If multiple data items with the same names are found first one is set.

rangeslide.setMaxValueByAttribute("id", 123456);

void setOption(string name, object value)

Gets rangeslide's DOM node object (invokes rangeslide refresh).

rangeslide.setOption("autoPlay", true);

bool isSingleMode()

Check if rangeside operates in single value mode.


bool isRangeMode()

Check if rangeside operates in range mode.


bool isSelectMode()

Check if rangeside operates in selection mode.


void refresh()

Refresh and redraw rangeslide.


void destroy()

Destroy rangeslide instance.



rangeslide.js provides custom events for some of it's actions. Appropriate callbacks can be specified in options.

Event Description Arguments
destroyed Fires after slider is destroyed rangeslideElement
initialized Fires after slider is initialized rangeslideElement
labelClicked Fires after label is clicked dataItem, labelElement
markerClicked Fires after track marker is clicked dataItem, markerElement
playStart Fires when auto play is started dataItem, rangeslideElement
playStop Fires when auto play is stopped dataItem, rangeslideElement
refreshed Fires after slider is refreshed rangeslideElement
thumbDragStart Fires when thumb dragging is initiated dataItem, thumbElement
thumbDragged Fires when thumb is being dragged dataItem, thumbElement
thumbDraggedEnd Fires when thumb is dropped dataItem, thumbElement
trackClicked Fires after slider track is clicked dataItem, trackElement
valueChanged Fires after slider value is changed dataItem, rangeslideElement

Event handlers are passed in rangeslide options like in the example below:

rangeslide("#element" {
	handlers: {
    	"valueChanged": [function(data, element) { console.log(data); }],
        "labelClicked": [
        	function(data, element) { console.log(data); },
            function(data, element) { return; },
            function(data, element) { = "#e2e3e4"; },


rangeslide.js can operate in three different modes:

  • single value mode ("single") - one thumb, single value, autoPlay is valid only in this mode
  • range mode ("range") - two thumbs (indicating minimum and maximum value), range as value
  • selection mode ("select") - no thumbs, multiple selection, values are selected/deselectef by clicking markers

Operation mode can be specified by setting mode in options during initialization (or later using setOption method)

Copyright and license

Licensed under MIT license.

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Lightweight customizable range slider with labels (but without jQuery)







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