- Install node.js/npm - https://nodejs.org/en/
- [Optional] Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/
- If you opt-out of using Code you will need another method of TypeScript transpiling (i.e. compile)
- Install typescript -> npm install -g typescript
- Install less -> npm install -g less
- Clone https://github.com/BelovedRobot/ScottDashboardWeb.git
- All dependencies will be defined within the project, but they're not copied so you need to execute "npm install" (sudo npm install if you get access denied error)
- To run the app open a terminal and type "npm run lite" or "npm start"
- The project includes lite-server (a lightweight http server) for development and a script to run it
- Lite-server will watch the application directories and will automatically re-load your browser when changes are detected
- [Optional] Lite server config via bs-config.json
- Make a copy of bs-config.json.example to bs-config.json and customize as needed
- [Optional] Visual Studio Code setup
- Open the command palette by typing "command+shift+P" and type "task"
- Then select the option to select "Configure Task Runner", this will show you a list of task templates
- Choose either the "TypeScript - tsconfig.json" or "TypeScript - Watch Mode" template
- The "TypeScript - tsconfig.json" template enables you to compile TypeScript manually (command+shift+B)
- The "TypeScript - Watch Mode" template enables a watch mode, where just like the lite-server, every TypeScript change automatically triggers a transpiling task of ts -> js
- Less Support
- [Optional, VS Code] - I can't figure out how to add multiple build tasks (the current being the TypeScript transpiler)
- From terminal
- Compile bootstrap template -> lessc lib/sb_admin/less/sb-admin-2.less lib/sb_admin/css/sb-admin-2.css
- Compile bootstrap direct -> lessc node_modules/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css
- Compile Project bootstrap -> lessc lib/bootstrap_mod/bootstrap.less lib/bootstrap_mod/bootstrap.css
Website to Prod -> git push azure master (credentials stored by Zane, ask if you need them)
Node Endpoint to Prod -> git push azure master (credentials stored by Zane, ask if you need them)
Website to Dev -> git push azure-dev master (credentials stored by Zane, ask if you need them)
Node Endpoint to Dev -> git push azure-dev master (credentials stored by Zane, ask if you need them)