Solidity contracts used in Akropolis Delphi yearn pools.
- python3 version 3.6 or greater, python3-dev
- brownie - tested with version 1.12.0
- ganache-cli - tested with version 6.11.0
Delphi contracts are compiled using [Solidity], however installation of the required Solidity versions is handled by Brownie.
To get started, first create and initialize a Python virtual environment. Next, clone the repo and install the developer dependencies:
git clone
cd contracts
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the command:
npm install
It executes several intallation steps:
- install all npm dependencies
- install all python dependencies (if not installed yet) including Brownie framework
- install Brownie dependency packages (openzeppelin and yearn)
- copy these packages to the working directory (see explanation below)
- compile contracts
- generate abi artifaacts (if needed)
Due to the existing bug in Brownie framework you may need to install the packages manually:
npm run clone-packages
To run the entire suite:
brownie test
See the instruction for running security tools upon Akropolis Delphi protocol. Slither, Echidna and Manticore are integrated.
Create .env file with DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY filled up. .env file also should contain ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY in case of human-admin or PROXY_ADMIN_ADDRESS in case of AdminProxy contract already deployed. Leave both variables empty if new AdminProxy contract should be deployed.
For the local deployment run the command:
npm run deploy:devV1
brownie run
For the Rinkeby deployment firstly export Infura id:
export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID=b20c30c9e04c4a6bb1cd728ff589a15e
and run:
npm run deploy:rinkebyV1
brownie run --network rinkeby
In order to perform mainnet-fork testing in automatic way you should perform next actions:
- If you want to work with Alchemy node (instead of slow Infurra node), first of all export host address (for example):
- Infura project ID
- Also you need to export Etherscan token in order to be able to fetch the data (to get enough requests attempts):
- After that add it to the mainnet-fork configuration:
npm run test:add-fork
Now you can run the test:
npm run test:swap-mainnet
Or you can run the console with the free emulation:
brownie console --network mainnet-fork
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