TYPO3 extension to manage and display firefighter operations. Organize data in backend and use different views to show them on a TYPO3 website.
- Install the extension in Extension Manager of TYPO3 or use composer for installing the extension.
- Include the static TyposScript of the extension to your TypoScript template or add it to the TypoScript in your site package (theme extension)
- Create pages for:
- different list views (operations, vehicles, resources, statistics, map view)
- according to those list views you should set up the detail views, as a subpage of the page with the list view
- create operation content elements on that pages, choose the plugin type
- at least one sysfolder for operation data (operations, resources, categories, …)
- Important! Set configuration constants in the TYPO3 Constant Editor or directly in constant field of a TypoScript template or whereever you want to define your project constants.
- There is also a plugin to view operations statistic. Create new content element and choose the "Operations statistic" plugin.
You find a more detailed documentation here: https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/operations