Pipeline scheduling divides the IR nodes of an XLS function or proc into a sequence of stages constituting a feed-forward pipeline. Sequential stages are separated by registers enabling pipeline parallelism. The schedule must satisfy dependency constraints between XLS nodes as well as timing constraints imposed by the target clock frequency. Pipeline scheduling has multiple competing optimization objectives: minimize number of stages (minimize pipeline latency), minimize maximum delay of any stage (maximize clock frequency), and minimize the number of pipeline registers.
Pipeline scheduling occurs in two phases:
Determine the effective clock period. This clock period defines the maximum delay, based on XLS's internal delay model, through any pipeline stage and limits how many IR operations might be placed in each stage.
Given the constraints of the effective clock period and, optionally, a user-defined number of pipeline stages, find the schedule which minimizes the number of pipeline registers. Pipeline registers are required for any IR operation whose value which is used in a later stage.
The schedule process is controlled via several options defined
These options are typically passed in as flags to the
but maybe set programmatically. Each is optional though at least one of clock
period or pipeline stages must be specified. Different combinations of
options result in different strategies as described below.
Clock period : The target clock period.
Pipeline stages : The number of stages in the pipeline.
Clock margin percent : The percentage to reduce the target clock period before scheduling. May only be specified with clock period. This option is equivalent to specifying a reduced value for clock period.
Clock period relaxation percent : This is the percentage that the computed minimum clock period, as determined by the number of pipeline stages, is increased (relaxed) prior to scheduling. May not be specified with clock period.
The effective clock period determines the maximum delay through any pipeline stage for the purpose of scheduling. The value is determined in one of two ways depending upon whether the clock period option is specified.
clock period specified
The effective clock period is set the clock period value. If clock margin percent is also specified, then the effective clock period is also reduced by the given percentage. Example: if clock period is 800ps and clock margin percent is 20% then the effective clock period is 640ps.
clock period not specified
In this case, pipeline stages must be specified. The effective clock period is computed as the minimum clock period in which a schedule may be found that meets timing with the specified number of pipeline stages. This is done via a binary search through clock period values. If clock period relaxation percent is specified then the computed effective clock period is increased by the given percentage. The motivation is that this relaxation may result in fewer pipeline registers because of increased scheduling flexibility. Example: if the minimum clock period found by XLS was 1000ps and clock period relaxation percent is 10% the effective clock period is 1100ps.
Once an effective clock period is determined, XLS computes a schedule which minimizes the number of registers (see below for details) while satisfying the critical path delay constraints imposed by the effective clock period. The number of stages in the pipeline may be specified by the user via the pipeline stages option. If the number of pipeline stages specified is too small an error such that no feasible schedule can be found then an error is returned. If pipeline stages is not given then the minimum number of stages which meets the delay constraint imposed by the effective clock period is used.
Different scheduling options result in different optimization strategies for the scheduler. Below are several common scheduling objectives and options which should be set to enable them.
Minimize the number of pipeline registers for a given clock period and given number of pipeline stages.
Specify both clock period and pipeline stages. The scheduler will attempt to minimize the number of pipeline registers given those constraints. The option clock margin percent can be swept to search the local design space (or equivalently, sweep clock period)
Minimize the clock period for a given number of pipeline stages
Specify only pipeline stages. XLS will find a schedule with minimum clock period with a secondary objective of minimizing the number of pipeline registers. Sweeping clock period relaxation percent explores relaxing the timing constraint which may result in fewer pipeline registers.
Minimize the number of pipeline stages for a given clock period
Specify only clock period. XLS will find a schedule of the minimum number of stages with a secondary objective of minimizing the number of pipeline registers. The option clock margin percent can be swept to search the local design space (or equivalently, sweep clock period)
Minimize the number of pipeline registers for a given clock period
Specify only clock period and sweep pipeline stages. Pick the schedule which produces the minimum number of pipeline registers.
Sweep the entire scheduling space
The various options directly or indirectly control the two degrees of freedom within the scheduler: pipeline stages and clock period. Sweeping these two degrees of freedom is most easily done by sweeping pipeline stages and clock period relaxation percent. The advantage of sweeping clock period relaxation percent instead of clock period directly is that the percent relaxation can be a fixed range (e.g., 0 to 50%) for all designs and each value will produce a feasible schedule. If clock period is swept some combinations of *pipeline stages and clock period values will result in an error returned because the design point is infeasible.
Scheduling to minimize pipeline registers can be formulated as a graph min-cut problem where the graph cut divides the nodes of the graph into separate pipeline stages and the cost of the cut is the number of bits in the pipeline register between the stages. This formulation of the pipeline scheduling problem is attractive because the graph min-cut problem can be solved in polynomial time.
In general, the XLS IR graph cannot be used directly by the min-cut algorithm because of additional constraints imposed by pipeline scheduling and features of the IR graph. As a motivating example, consider the following graph of an XLS function to be scheduled into a two-stage pipeline:
Node x is a parameter to the function, and node F is the return value. The width of the edges correlates with the (labeled) bit width of the respective operation. The bit width of the edges are edge weights in the min-cut algorithm.
The drawing above shows the initial and final pipeline registers which flops the input output on the interface boundary. In this example, a two-stage pipeline is desired so one additional pipeline register is required. The scheduling problem is to partition the nodes A through F into the two pipeline stages while minimizing register count, or alternatively formulated, identify a cut through the graph of minimum cost. Below is one possible cut resulting in a pipeline schedule where nodes A and B are in stage one and nodes C through F are in stage two.
In the pipeline generated from the example cut above pipeline registers are required for nodes A and B of bit widths 2 and 32 respectively for a total of 34 flops. However this value is inconsistent with the cost of the cut in the IR graph which is equal to the sum of weights of the cut edges: 2 + 32 + 32 = 66. To reconcile the cost function, transformations are applied to the graph about nodes with fan-out. Specifically, an artificial node N' is added for each node N with fan-out and an edge is added from each immediate successor of N to N'. The weight of each edge fanning out from N and fanning into N' is set to the original weight of the edges of N divided by the fan-out factor. In the example, the edge weight is set to 32 / 2 = 16. Below is the transformed graph. As shown, the cost of the cut (sum of edge weights) now equals the number of flops in the pipeline register (34).
For scheduling the example graph, assume the target clock period be three time units and all nodes have unit delay. In this case, not all cuts will produce a schedule which satisfies the timing constraint. Specifically, if B is scheduled in the second stage, or F is scheduled in the first stage the pipeline cannot meet the timing constraint. To ensure the min-cut results in a schedule which satisfies timing an artificial source and sink node is added to the graph. Edges with infinite weight are added from the source to nodes which must be scheduled in the first stage (or earlier in the case of parameter nodes) to satisfy timing constraints. Similar edges are added from nodes which must be scheduled in the second stage to the sink node as shown below:
One additional transformation (not shown) is required to ensure a correct pipeline. Generally, a partitioning created by a min-cut allows edges going in both directions between the partitions. However, pipeline stages do not allow circular dependencies. To enforce directionality to the edges of the cut, an edge of infinite weight is added parallel to and in the opposite direction of every edge in the graph.
After transforming the graph, a min-cut is found by applying a max flow algorithm (Ford-Fulkerson) from the artificial source node to the artificial sink node. In the running example, the min cut is edges C -> F and E -> F of cost 12. All nodes except F are placed in the first stage of the pipeline.
Generally, a pipeline can have more than two stages so a single cut is insufficient to determine a schedule. In this case a sequence of cuts is performed, one for each boundary between pipeline stages. Each min-cut partitions the nodes into two parts: the set of nodes scheduled before the respective stage boundary, and the set of node scheduled after. This imposes additional constraints on later min-cut computations. These constraints are imposed by extending infinite weight edges between these nodes and the source or sink node in the graph.
The order in which the sequence of cuts is performed (e.g., cut the boundary between stage 0 and stage 1, then between 1 and 2, then between 2 and 3, and so on) can affect the total number of pipeline flops so, in general, multiple orders are attempted and the result with the fewest pipeline flops is kept.
TODO(meheff): Finish.