- Normalization of objectives for better comparability and better splits in solvers
- Multi-threading support for pre-solving (Snakemake as backbone)
- Make (more) deterministic (Issue #6)
- Reports of results with plots and tables a PDF and or HTML
- Generalization to R-dimensional datasets (see paper)
- Input from config files
- Replace GraKel with something "modern" and fully "conda-installable" to make DataSAIL fully conda-installable
- Include MashMap3
- Include MASH for amino acid sequences
- Stratified splits
- Extensive checks of available solvers
- Time and Space limits for all solvers
- Runtime experiments and experiments on a the Tox21 SR-ARE target
- Improvement and extension of the documentation
- Bug fixes
- DataSAIL citation
- Support for MMseqs2 to compute similarity matrices
- More tests
- Bugs fixed
- Switched from string-based paths to pathlib
- Support for Windows and OSX-ARM (fixing Issue #7)
- Support for Python 3.12
- Updated documentation
- Renaming of splitting techniques to align with preprint to be I1/C1/I2/C2
- More tests to better cover the supposed functionality
- Now supports for Python 3.8 to Python 3.11
- Experiments on MoleculeNet and LP-PDBBind
- Bugs fixed
- Linear problem formulations
- Addition of more solvers due to updated problem formulations
- Bugs fixed
- Support for Python 3.7
- Pandas in the backend
- Bug fixes
Initial development of DataSAIL and frequent bug removal and feature extension. It operated on Linux and OSX only and had quadratic problem specifications.