There are two documented ways to support clangd in Neovim for the Ladybird project:
- With nvim-lspconfig (assumes existing setup)
- With coc.nvim (from scratch, potentially out of date)
For both setups, make sure you ran ./Meta/ run ladybird
at least
Note: This guide assumes Lua is being used, but can easily be adapted to VimScript.
If you have an nvim-lspconfig, setup already, registering clangd is similar to other LSPs:
require('lspconfig').clangd.setup {
-- If you have an on_attach function, this is where you'd put it. If not,
-- you can delete this line.
-- on_attach = ...,
-- This is where you'd put capabilities (i.e. if you're useing nvim-cmp)
-- capabilities = ...,
-- If you have another clangd installation, put it here. Note that we use
-- clangd version 18 for the Ladybird project.
-- cmd = { '/path/to/clangd' },
A base setup
call should be enough to register the LSP, but if false-negative
LSP errors occur upon opening Neovim, make sure your clangd installation is at
least version 18.
Note: This guide assumes VimScript is being used, but can easily be adapted to Lua. It also starts from scratch.
Neovim can be configured to use the coc-clangd plugin to provide code-completion as well as inline git blame using vim-plug. Formatting can also be configured with formatter.nvim.
The config file for neovim is at ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
or if
set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim
Add the Plugin:
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', { 'branch': 'release' }
Run :PlugInstall
inside nvim.
:CocInstall coc-clangd
Note: This guide is tested with clangd version 14.0.6 and 15.0.6.
In case you have not installed clangd already install it with
:CocCommand clangd.install
This will install a separate version of clangd just for neovim.
Use the following settings to ensure that coc-clangd works out of the box.
Note: You might want to adjust the
depending on your build system and customize theinlayHints.sep
based on your preference.
"clangd.fallbackFlags": ["-std=c++23"],
"semanticTokens.enable": true,
"inlayHint.subSeparator": "︴",
"inlayHints.enableParameter": true,
"clangd.inlayHints.sep": "⇝"
To change the coc-settings.json go to the file ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json
or type :CocConfig
in the command line.
Note: In case you already had another c++ language server configured in the
you might want to nuke it first and work towards your desired config by adding the other parts back in to avoid conflicts.
Note: If you have configured
as a languageServer incoc-settings.json
, you should remove it to avoid running clangd twice!
breaks onclangd 15.0.6
For code formatting the formatter plugin can be used.
Plug 'mhartington/formatter.nvim'
To use the formatter plugin one needs to opt-in to specific formatters. An example lua configuration which uses clang-format for cpp files:
filetype = {
cpp = {
Plug 'f-person/git-blame.nvim'
Run :PlugInstall
inside nvim.
The config file for neovim is at ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
or if
set $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim
The init.vim
"IMPORTANT: the leader key for <leader> keycombos
let mapleader = "\\"
"BEGIN: git blame (optional)
hi GitBlame guifg=#7b7b7b
let g:gitblame_date_format = '%d.%m.%y %H:%M'
let g:gitblame_highlight_group = 'GitBlame'
let g:gitblame_message_when_not_committed = 'You: Uncommitted changes'
let g:gitblame_message_template = ' <author> (<committer>), <date> <sha> • <summary>'
"END: git blame
"BEGIN: coc
"inline hints (depending on clangd version one or another gets used)
hi CocHintVirtualText guifg=#84afe0
hi CocInlayHint guifg=#84afe0 guibg=#393939
hi CocInlayHintParameter guifg=#84afe0 guibg=#393939
hi CocInlayHintType guifg=#89ddff guibg=#393939
"semantic highlighting
hi CocSemMethod guifg=#bfaa87 gui=bold
hi CocSemFunction guifg=#bfaaf7 gui=bold
hi CocSemParameter guifg=#a9bfd1 gui=underline
hi CocSemVariable guifg=#8edbdb
hi CocSemProperty guifg=#23ce6d
hi link CocSemEnumMember Constant
hi link CocSemEnum CocSemClass
hi Constant guifg=#f78c6c
hi CocSemClass guifg=#89ddff
hi Statement guifg=#c792ea
hi Type guifg=#db954a
"remap keys for applying refactor code actions (on warnings) (\re)
nmap <silent> <leader>re <Plug>(coc-codeaction-refactor)
xmap <silent> <leader>r <Plug>(coc-codeaction-refactor-selected)
nmap <silent> <leader>r <Plug>(coc-codeaction-refactor-selected)
"outline for file (\o)
nmap <silent><nowait> <leader>o :<C-u>CocList outline<cr>
"goto definition etc.
nmap <silent> gd <Plug>(coc-definition)
nmap <silent> gt <Plug>(coc-type-definition)
nmap <silent> gi <Plug>(coc-implementation)
nmap <silent> gr <Plug>(coc-references)
"coc rename (\rn)
nmap <leader>rn <Plug>(coc-rename)
"prev or next error
nmap <silent> [g <Plug>(coc-diagnostic-prev)
nmap <silent> ]g <Plug>(coc-diagnostic-next)
"confirm coc-suggestion with enter
imap <silent><expr> <CR> coc#pum#visible() ? coc#pum#confirm() : "\<CR>"
"ctrl+space for completion
imap <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
"show documentation with ctrl+k
nmap <silent><c-k> :call ShowDocumentation()<CR>
"show documentation if it's available
function! ShowDocumentation()
if CocAction('hasProvider', 'hover')
call CocActionAsync('doHover')
call feedkeys('K', 'in')
"coc-clangd switch between header and source
nmap <silent>gs :CocCommand clangd.switchSourceHeader vsplit<CR>
"END: coc