diff --git a/docs/message-flags.md b/docs/message-flags.md
index 7bf3f8e..46935a6 100644
--- a/docs/message-flags.md
+++ b/docs/message-flags.md
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# Message Flags
-Here are the different type of Message flags that Advantage Reminder uses. All of these should be setup in the effects tab with the Change Mode of `Custom` and the Effect Value with the message you want.
+Here are the different type of Message flags that Advantage Reminder uses. All of these should be setup in the effects tab with the Change Mode of `Custom` and the Effect Value with the message you want. The message may include HTML formatting, deferred inline rolls, and document links.
-Some of the terms used in the keys are further explained in [Terms and Abbreviations](terms.md)
+# Attack Rolls
-## Attack Rolls
+Messages on attack rolls can either come from an effect on the attacker or target.
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.all | Message on all rolls, including attack rolls |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.attack.all | Message on all attack rolls |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.attack.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Message on attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.attack.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Message on attacks with a specific Ability Modifier |
-| flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.attack.all | Message when targeted by all attack rolls |
-| flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.attack.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Message when targeted by attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.attack.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Message when targeted by attacks with a specific Ability Modifier |
+## Attacker
-## Damage Rolls
+These apply when they are the one making the attack roll.
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.all | Message on all rolls, including damage rolls |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.damage.all | Message on all damage rolls |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.damage.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Message on damage rolls with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.damage.all | Message when targeted by all damage rolls |
-| flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.damage.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Message when targeted by damage rolls with a specific Action Type |
+ [type]
+ [ability]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
+> Ability Abbreviations
+> | Ability | Abbreviation |
+> | ------------ | ------------ |
+> | Strength | `str` |
+> | Dexterity | `dex` |
+> | Constitution | `con` |
+> | Wisdom | `wis` |
+> | Intelligence | `int` |
+> | Charisma | `cha` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.abilities`
+### Message on All Attack Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| --------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.attack.all` | Custom | `Advantage when in dim light` |
+### Message on Ranged Attack Rolls (both spell and weapon)
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.attack.rsak` | Custom | `Disadvantage when adjacent to enemy` |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.attack.rwak` | Custom | `Disadvantage when adjacent to enemy` |
+## Target of Attack
+These apply when they are the target of an attack. In other words, you are granting the attacker advantage or disadvantage.
+ [type]
+ [ability]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
+> Ability Abbreviations
+> | Ability | Abbreviation |
+> | ------------ | ------------ |
+> | Strength | `str` |
+> | Dexterity | `dex` |
+> | Constitution | `con` |
+> | Wisdom | `wis` |
+> | Intelligence | `int` |
+> | Charisma | `cha` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.abilities`
+### Message When Targeted by Melee Attack Rolls (both spell and weapon)
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.attack.msak` | Custom | `Disadvantage if you can smell their stench` |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.attack.mwak` | Custom | `Disadvantage if you can smell their stench` |
+# Damage Rolls
+Messages on damage rolls can either come from an effect on the attacker or target.
+## Attacker
+These apply when they are the one making the damage roll.
+ [type]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
+### Message on All Damage Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| --------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.damage.all` | Custom | `[[/r 1d4]] bonus damage if you attacked with Advantage` |
+### Message on Weapon Damage Rolls (both melee and ranged)
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.damage.mwak` | Custom | `[[/r @scale.rogue.sneak-attack]]{Sneak Attack} damage` |
+## Target of Attack
+These apply when they are the target of an attack. In other words, you are showing a message when someone rolls damage against you.
+ [type]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
-## Ability Checks
+### Message When Rolling All Damage Against
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------ |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.grants.message.damage.all` | Custom | `Critical roll if doing fire damage` |
+# Ability Checks
+ [ability]
+> Ability Abbreviations
+> | Ability | Abbreviation |
+> | ------------ | ------------ |
+> | Strength | `str` |
+> | Dexterity | `dex` |
+> | Constitution | `con` |
+> | Wisdom | `wis` |
+> | Intelligence | `int` |
+> | Charisma | `cha` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.abilities`
+### Message on All Ability Checks
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.check.all` | Custom | `Advantage in certain situations` |
+### Message on Charisma Ability Checks
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.check.cha` | Custom | `Advantage when interacting with Dwarves` |
| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.all | Message on all rolls, including ability checks |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.all | Message on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.check.all | Message on all ability checks |
| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.check.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Message on ability checks with a specific Ability Modifier |
-## Skill Checks
+# Skill Checks
-Since all skill checks are also ability checks, this list is in addition to the keys for Ability Checks.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Since all skill checks are also ability checks, messages on Ability Checks can also apply to Skill Checks.
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.skill.all | Message on all skill checks |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.skill.acr/ani/arc/ath/dec/his/ins/itm/inv/med/nat/prc/prf/per/rel/slt/ste/sur | Message on specific Skills |
+ [skill]
-## Saving Throws
+> Skill Abbreviations
+> | Skill | Abbreviation |
+> | --------------- | ------------ |
+> | Acrobatics | `acr` |
+> | Animal Handling | `ani` |
+> | Arcana | `arc` |
+> | Athletics | `ath` |
+> | Deception | `dec` |
+> | History | `his` |
+> | Insight | `ins` |
+> | Investigation | `inv` |
+> | Intimidation | `itm` |
+> | Medicine | `med` |
+> | Nature | `nat` |
+> | Persuasion | `per` |
+> | Perception | `prc` |
+> | Performance | `prf` |
+> | Religion | `rel` |
+> | Sleight of Hand | `slt` |
+> | Stealth | `ste` |
+> | Survival | `sur` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.skills`
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.all | Message on all rolls, including saving throws |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.all | Message on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.save.all | Message on all saving throws |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.save.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Message on saving throws with a specific Ability Modifier |
+### Message on Deception Skill Checks
-## Death Saving Throw
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| -------------------------------------- | ----------- | ---------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.skill.dec` | Custom | `Imposter: Advantage to avoid detection` |
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.all | Message on all rolls, including death saves |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.all | Message on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.save.all | Message on all saving throws |
-| flags.adv-reminder.message.deathSave | Message on death saving throws |
+# Saving Throws
+ [ability]
+> Ability Abbreviations
+> | Ability | Abbreviation |
+> | ------------ | ------------ |
+> | Strength | `str` |
+> | Dexterity | `dex` |
+> | Constitution | `con` |
+> | Wisdom | `wis` |
+> | Intelligence | `int` |
+> | Charisma | `cha` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.abilities`
+### Message on Constitution Saving Throws
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| --------------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.save.con` | Custom | `Advantage against poison` |
+# Death Saving Throw
+> [!NOTE]
+> Since a death saving throw is a saving throw, messages on All Saving Throws will also apply to Death Saving Throws.
+### Message on Death Saving Throws
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| -------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.deathSave` | Custom | `[[/r 1d4]] bonus when in bright light` |
+# Shared Flags
+While not commonly used, these apply to multiple types of rolls with just one flag.
+### Message on All Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| -------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.all` | Custom | `Advantage if within 10 feet of leader` |
+### Message on All Ability Checks, Saves, and Skill Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------- |
+| `flags.adv-reminder.message.ability.all` | Custom | `Advantage if within 10 feet of leader` |
diff --git a/docs/midi-flags.md b/docs/midi-flags.md
index 6047762..9df59af 100644
--- a/docs/midi-flags.md
+++ b/docs/midi-flags.md
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# Midi Flags
-Here are the different types of Midi flags that Advantage Reminder supports. All of these should be setup in the effects tab with the Change Mode of `Custom` and the Effect Value of `1`. They're treated like boolean settings with a `1` enabling it and a `0` disabling it.
-Some of the terms used in the keys are further explained in [Terms and Abbreviations](terms.md)
-## Attack Rolls
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.all | Advantage on all rolls, including attacks |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.all | Advantage on all attack rolls |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Advantage on attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Advantage on attacks with a specific Ability Modifier |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.all | Disadvantage on all rolls, including attacks |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.attack.all | Disadvantage on all attack rolls |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.attack.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Disadvantage on attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.attack.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Disadvantage on attacks with a specific Ability Modifier |
-| flags.midi-qol.grants.advantage.attack.all | Advantage when targeted by any attack roll |
-| flags.midi-qol.grants.advantage.attack.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Advantage when targeted by attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.midi-qol.grants.disadvantage.attack.all | Disadvantage when targeted by any attack roll |
-| flags.midi-qol.grants.disadvantage.attack.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Disadvantage when targeted by attacks with a specific Action Type |
-## Critical Hits
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.midi-qol.critical.all | Critical hit on all attacks |
-| flags.midi-qol.critical.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Critical hit on attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.midi-qol.noCritical.all | Normal hit on all attacks |
-| flags.midi-qol.noCritical.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Normal hit on attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.midi-qol.grants.critical.all | Critical hit when targeted by any attack |
-| flags.midi-qol.grants.critical.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Critical hit when targeted by attacks with a specific Action Type |
-| flags.midi-qol.fail.critical.all | Normal hit when targeted by any attack |
-| flags.midi-qol.fail.critical.mwak/rwak/msak/rsak | Normal hit when targeted by attacks with a specific Action Type |
-## Ability Checks
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.all | Advantage on all rolls, including ability checks |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.all | Advantage on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.check.all | Advantage on all ability checks |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.check.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Advantage on ability checks with a specific Ability Modifier |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.all | Disadvantage on all rolls, including ability checks |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.all | Disadvantage on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.check.all | Disadvantage on all ability checks |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.check.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Disadvantage on ability checks with a specific Ability Modifier |
-## Skill Checks
-Since all skill checks are also ability checks, this list is in addition to the keys for Ability Checks.
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.skill.all | Advantage on all skill checks |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.skill.acr/ani/arc/ath/dec/his/ins/itm/inv/med/nat/prc/prf/per/rel/slt/ste/sur | Advantage on specific Skills |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.skill.all | Disadvantage on all skill checks |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.skill.acr/ani/arc/ath/dec/his/ins/itm/inv/med/nat/prc/prf/per/rel/slt/ste/sur | Disadvantage on specific Skills |
-## Saving Throws
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.all | Advantage on all rolls, including saving throws |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.all | Advantage on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.save.all | Advantage on all saving throws |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.save.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Advantage on saving throws with a specific Ability Modifier |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.all | Disadvantage on all rolls, including saving throws |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.all | Disadvantage on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.save.all | Disadvantage on all saving throws |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.save.str/dex/con/int/wis/cha | Disadvantage on saving throws with a specific Ability Modifier |
-## Death Saving Throw
-| Attribute Key | Description |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.all | Advantage on all rolls, including death saves |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.all | Advantage on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.save.all | Advantage on all saving throws |
-| flags.midi-qol.advantage.deathSave | Advantage on death saving throws |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.all | Disadvantage on all rolls, including death saves |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.all | Disadvantage on all ability checks, saves, and skills |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.save.all | Disadvantage on all saving throws |
-| flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.deathSave | Disadvantage on death saving throws |
+This document covers the different types of Midi flags that Advantage Reminder supports for things like advantage, disadvantage, and critical rolls.
+# Basic Usage
+When creating an active effect with these Midi flags, it is recommended to use the `Custom` Change Mode and a `1` for the Effect Value. These flags are treated like boolean settings with a `1` enabling it and a `0` disabling it.
+In general, flags that start with `flags.midi-qol.advantage` will give advantage on a roll and `flags.midi-qol.disadvantage` will give disadvantage. Flags will use these to start with and then further specify what kind or rolls they apply to.
+# Attack Rolls
+Advantage and disadvantage on attack rolls can either come from an effect on the attacker or target.
+## Attacker
+These apply when they are the one making the attack roll.
+ [type]
+ [ability]
+ [type]
+ [ability]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
+> Ability Abbreviations
+> | Ability | Abbreviation |
+> | ------------ | ------------ |
+> | Strength | `str` |
+> | Dexterity | `dex` |
+> | Constitution | `con` |
+> | Wisdom | `wis` |
+> | Intelligence | `int` |
+> | Charisma | `cha` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.abilities`
+### Advantage on All Attack Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.all` | Custom | `1` |
+### Advantage on Melee Weapon Attack Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| -------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.mwak` | Custom | `1` |
+### Advantage on Attack Rolls using Strength
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.attack.str` | Custom | `1` |
+## Target of Attack
+These apply when they are the target of an attack. In other words, you are granting the attacker advantage or disadvantage.
+ [type]
+ [type]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
+### Grant Advantage to All Melee Attack Rolls (both spell and weapon)
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| -------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.grants.advantage.attack.msak` | Custom | `1` |
+| `flags.midi-qol.grants.advantage.attack.mwak` | Custom | `1` |
+### Grant Disadvantage to All Attack Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.grants.disadvantage.attack.all` | Custom | `1` |
+# Critical Hits
+Critical hits can either come from an effect on the attacker or target.
+## Attacker
+These apply when they are the one making the attack roll.
+ [type]
+ [type]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
+### Critical Hit on All Damage Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ----------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.critical.all` | Custom | `1` |
+### Critical Hit on All Weapon Damage Rolls (both melee and ranged)
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------ | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.critical.mwak` | Custom | `1` |
+| `flags.midi-qol.critical.rwak` | Custom | `1` |
+## Target of Attack
+These apply when they are the target of an attack. In other words, you are granting the attacker a critical hit or canceling it.
+ [type]
+ [type]
+> Action Types
+> | Action Type | Value |
+> | -------------------- | ----- |
+> | Melee Spell Attack | `msak` |
+> | Melee Weapon Attack | `mwak` |
+> | Ranged Spell Attack | `rsak` |
+> | Ranged Weapon Attack | `rwak` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.itemActionTypes`
+### Grant Critical Hit on All Damage Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------------ | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.grants.critical.all` | Custom | `1` |
+### Cancel Critical Hit Against All Damage Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.fail.critical.all` | Custom | `1` |
+# Ability Checks
+ [ability]
+ [ability]
+> Ability Abbreviations
+> | Ability | Abbreviation |
+> | ------------ | ------------ |
+> | Strength | `str` |
+> | Dexterity | `dex` |
+> | Constitution | `con` |
+> | Wisdom | `wis` |
+> | Intelligence | `int` |
+> | Charisma | `cha` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.abilities`
+### Advantage on Strength Ability Checks
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| -------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.check.str` | Custom | `1` |
+### Disadvantage on All Ability Checks
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ----------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.check.all` | Custom | `1` |
+# Skill Checks
+> [!NOTE]
+> Since all skill checks are also ability checks, advantage/disadvantage on an Ability Check can also apply to Skill Checks.
+ [skill]
+ [skill]
+> Skill Abbreviations
+> | Skill | Abbreviation |
+> | --------------- | ------------ |
+> | Acrobatics | `acr` |
+> | Animal Handling | `ani` |
+> | Arcana | `arc` |
+> | Athletics | `ath` |
+> | Deception | `dec` |
+> | History | `his` |
+> | Insight | `ins` |
+> | Investigation | `inv` |
+> | Intimidation | `itm` |
+> | Medicine | `med` |
+> | Nature | `nat` |
+> | Persuasion | `per` |
+> | Perception | `prc` |
+> | Performance | `prf` |
+> | Religion | `rel` |
+> | Sleight of Hand | `slt` |
+> | Stealth | `ste` |
+> | Survival | `sur` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.skills`
+### Advantage on Animal Handling Checks
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------------ | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.skill.ani` | Custom | `1` |
+### Disadvantage on Stealth Checks
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| --------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.skill.ste` | Custom | `1` |
+# Saving Throws
+ [ability]
+ [ability]
+> Ability Abbreviations
+> | Ability | Abbreviation |
+> | ------------ | ------------ |
+> | Strength | `str` |
+> | Dexterity | `dex` |
+> | Constitution | `con` |
+> | Wisdom | `wis` |
+> | Intelligence | `int` |
+> | Charisma | `cha` |
+> Source: `CONFIG.DND5E.abilities`
+### Advantage on All Saving Throws
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.save.all` | Custom | `1` |
+### Disadvantage on Dexterity Saving Throws
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ---------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.ability.save.dex` | Custom | `1` |
+# Death Saving Throw
+> [!NOTE]
+> Since a death saving throw is a saving throw, advantage/disadvantage on All Saving Throws will also apply to Death Saving Throws.
+### Advantage on Death Saving Throws
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------------ | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.deathSave` | Custom | `1` |
+### Disadvantage on Death Saving Throws
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| --------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.disadvantage.deathSave` | Custom | `1` |
+# Shared Flags
+While not commonly used, these apply to multiple types of rolls with just one flag.
+### Advantage on All d20 Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| ------------------------------ | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.all` | Custom | `1` |
+### Advantage on All Ability Checks, Saves, and Skill Rolls
+| Attribute Key | Change Mode | Effect Value |
+| -------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
+| `flags.midi-qol.advantage.ability.all` | Custom | `1` |