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Firmware dedicated for TurtleFeederInator.


  • Telegram Bot with out of food notifications
  • MQTT client
  • Automatic feeding once a day
  • Time synchronized to NTP server
  • OTA Updates

Getting started

You will need PlatformIO IDE or at least PlatformIO Core

Clone respository

git clone
cd TurtleFeederFirmware

Edit config.h by your favorite text editor

nano src/config.h

Build project

pio run -e d1_mini

Connect the device and upload the firmware

pio run --target upload -e d1_mini

Editing config file

Required changes

Insert your wifi credentials

#define STASSID "MyWifi"    // SSID of your wifi network
#define STAPSK "MyPassword"    // Password of your wifi network

Set your timezone and DST settings

#define timeZone 1    // Your timezone (CET by default)
#define useDST    // Comment this line if your country doesn't use daylight saving time

Change servo home position and out of food threshold if needed

#define sensorTrigger 400    // (0-1023) lower is more sensitive
#define homePosition 8    // (0-180) Default servo position in degrees

OTA Updates

To enable OTA Updates uncomment #define USE_OTA and change OTAPassword

#define USE_OTA    // Uncomment to enable upgrading firmware via espota
#ifdef USE_OTA
    #define OTAhostname "TurtleFeederInator"    // mDNS hostname
    #define OTAPassword "Password123"    // Password for upgrading firmware via espota

To upload firmware via wifi you will also need to add a few lines in platformio.ini file

upload_port = <IP address of the device>
upload_protocol = espota
upload_flags = "--auth=<OTAPassword>"

Telegram Bot

Create a bot by using BotFather and copy the access token

Uncomment #define USE_TELEGRAM, insert your token and change telegramSecret.

#define USE_TELEGRAM    // Uncomment to enable Telegram Bot feature
    #define BOTtoken "123456789:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"    // your Bot Token (Get from Botfather)
    #define telegramSecret "MySecret"
    #define language 0    // [en - 0, pl - 1]

To be able to use the bot and receive notifications send this command to the bot

/start <your telegram secret>

Changing feeding time

Send /timer command to the bot or pass the time directly (ex. /timer 21 37)

MQTT client

Uncomment #define USE_MQTT and insert credentials for your MQTT server

#define USE_MQTT    // Uncomment to enable MQTT feature
#ifdef USE_MQTT
    #define mqttServer ""    // Address/IP of your MQTT broker
    #define mqttPort 1883
    #define mqttUser "user"
    #define mqttPassword "Password123"
    #define mqttTopic "turtlefeeder/feed"

You can test this by using for example mosquitto client

mosquitto_pub -h -t turtlefeeder/feed -m "1" -u user -P "Password123"


TurtleFeederFirmware is published under the GPL license because I believe in open development. The most straightforward way to comply with the license is to make a fork on Github, perform your modifications, and direct users to your modified fork.