I'm an accountant and a full-stack Data Scientist; I'm used to develop data product (dashboards with ML / explanability, powerful NLP solutions with state-of-art results, and much more) as end-to-end engineer.
I'm the Lead Data Scientist and Python Developer on https://trich.ai;
Also, I have achieved some badges that are very important to me, like:
- I'm the Technical reviewer of the first Ploty Dash book released by Packt - Link to the book
- Kaggle Notebooks Grandmaster (best ranked at 12th over more than 150k+ other data scientists, with 17 gold medals and 8 silver medals)
- Top Rated Plus on Upwork (It's a badge delivered only to 1% of the professionals on this platform)
You can visit some of my projects on:
Part of my content is now part incorpored by Oreilly Learning & Courses platform to they use it on their courses and books.
🔭 I’m currently working on Upwork Platform as TOP RATED PLUS freelancer.
🌱 I’m currently learning more about Web Development (Dash and Flask) with focus in Data Products
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open-Source projects mainly Vaex.io and some Dash Components;
📫 How to reach me: