The sections of this project:
- Elliptic-curve Cryptography
- Checksums
- Ciphers Encryption & Decryption
- Digests
- Exchanging Keys & Digests
- Message Authentication Codes
- Secure Class
- Signing Signatures
- Acronyms Dictionary
Java source code:
1. With the batch file
'01 MVN clean install + Run Application.bat' launch the
1. The encrypted texts exchange with Elliptic-curve Cryptography.
The method
Console log from 'EllipticCurveCryptography::launch' method.
2. Computing the checksums. The method
Console log from 'ChecksumsComputing::launch' method.
3. The encryption and the decryption of ciphers with various algorithms, modes, and paddings.
3.1. The method
Console log from 'CiphersEncryptionAndDecryption::launchAesWithGcm' method.
3.2. The method
Console log from 'CiphersEncryptionAndDecryption::launchAesWithCbc' method.
3.3. The method
Console log from 'CiphersEncryptionAndDecryption::launchChaCha20' method.
3.4. The method
Console log from 'CiphersEncryptionAndDecryption::launchChaCha20WithPoly1305' method.
3.5. The method
Console log from 'CiphersEncryptionAndDecryption::encryptToFileAndDecryptFromFile' method.
4. Computing the digests with different algorithms.
The method
Console log from 'DigestsComputing::launch' method.
5. Exchanging the public keys and the digest bytes over an insecure net.
The method
Console log from 'KeysAndDigestsExchanging::launch' method.
6. Computing the Message Authentication Codes with different algorithms.
The method
Console log from 'MacsComputing::launch' method.
7. This is the secure class that does not permit subclassing.
The method
Console log from 'SecureClass::launch' method.
8. Signing the signatures with different algorithms.
The method
Console log from 'SignaturesSigning::launch' method.
AEAD | Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm |
ECC | Elliptic-Curve Cryptography |
ECDH | Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman |
ECDSA | Elliptic-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm |
GCM | Galois Counter Mode |
HMAC | Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code |
MAC | Message Authentication Code |
PKCS | Public Key Cryptography Standards |
RSA | Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard Adleman |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm |