A stack is nothing more than a piece of contiguous memory.
This is important to know. A computer only has memory, it doesn't have a special "stack" memory and a "heap" memory, it's all part of the same memory.
The difference is how this memory is accessed and used. The stack support simple push/pop instructions on a contiguous part of memory, that's what makes it fast to use. The heap memory is allocated by a memory allocator on demand and can be scattered around in different locations.
We'll not go through the differences between the stack and the heap here, since there are numerous articles explaining them in detail including a chapter in The Rust Programming Language.
Let's start with a simplified view of the stack. A 64 bit CPU will read 8 bytes at a time, even though the natural way for us to see a stack is a long line of u8
so when we pass a pointer we need to make sure we pass inn a pointer to either address 0016
, 0008
or 0000
in the example above.
The stack grows downwards, so we start at the top and work our way down.
When we set the stack pointer
in a 16 byte aligned stack, we need to make sure to put our stack pointer to an address which is a multiple of 16. In the example above, the only address that satisfies this requirement is 0008
(remember the stack starts on the top).
If we add the following lines of code to our example in the last chapter just before we do the switch in our main function we can effectively print out our stack and have a look at it:
for i in (0..SSIZE).rev() {
println!("mem: {}, val: {}",
stack_ptr.offset(i as isize) as usize,
*stack_ptr.offset(i as isize))
The output we get is:
mem: 94846750517871, val: 0
mem: 94846750517870, val: 0
mem: 94846750517869, val: 0
mem: 94846750517868, val: 0
mem: 94846750517867, val: 0
mem: 94846750517866, val: 0
mem: 94846750517865, val: 0
mem: 94846750517864, val: 0
mem: 94846750517863, val: 0
mem: 94846750517862, val: 0
mem: 94846750517861, val: 86
mem: 94846750517860, val: 67
mem: 94846750517859, val: 56
mem: 94846750517858, val: 252
mem: 94846750517857, val: 205
mem: 94846750517856, val: 240
mem: 94846750517855, val: 0
mem: 94846750517854, val: 0
mem: 94846750517853, val: 0
mem: 94846750517852, val: 0
mem: 94846750517851, val: 0
mem: 94846750517850, val: 0
mem: 94846750517849, val: 0
mem: 94846750517848, val: 0
mem: 94846750517847, val: 0
mem: 94846750517846, val: 0
mem: 94846750517845, val: 0
mem: 94846750517844, val: 0
mem: 94846750517843, val: 0
mem: 94846750517842, val: 0
mem: 94846750517841, val: 0
mem: 94846750517840, val: 0
mem: 94846750517839, val: 0
mem: 94846750517838, val: 0
mem: 94846750517837, val: 0
mem: 94846750517836, val: 0
mem: 94846750517835, val: 0
mem: 94846750517834, val: 0
mem: 94846750517833, val: 0
mem: 94846750517832, val: 0
mem: 94846750517831, val: 0
mem: 94846750517830, val: 0
mem: 94846750517829, val: 0
mem: 94846750517828, val: 0
mem: 94846750517827, val: 0
mem: 94846750517826, val: 0
mem: 94846750517825, val: 0
mem: 94846750517824, val: 0
I've printed out the memory addresses as u64 here so it's easier to parse if you're not very familiar with hex.
The first thing to note is that this is just a contiguous piece of memory, starting at address 94846750517824
and ending on 94846750517871
The addresses 94846750517856
to 94846750517863
is of special interest for us. The first address is the address of our "stack pointer", the value we write to the %rsp
register of the CPU. The range represents the values we wrote to the stack before we made the switch.
In other words the values 240, 205, 252, 56, 67, 86, 0, 0
is the pointer to our hello()
function written as u8
{% hint style="info" %}
An interesting side note here is that the order the CPU writes anu64
as u8
bytes is dependent on it's endianness. I'll simply refer to the wikipedia article, but if you try to parse these numbers manually you'll have to bear this in mind.
{% endhint %}
As we write more complex functions our extremely small 48 byte stack will soon run out of space, you see, as we run functions we write in Rust our code will instruct the CPU to push and pop values on our stack to execute our program.
When you start a process in most modern operating systems the standard stack size is normally 8 MB but it can be configured differently, this is enough for most programs but it's up to the programmer to make sure we don't use more than we have. This is the cause of the dreaded "Stack overflow" that most of us have experienced.
However, when we can control the stacks ourselves we can choose the size we want. 8 MB for each context is way more than we need when running simple functions in a web server for example, so by reducing the stack size we can have millions of Green Threads running on a machine, while we run out of memory a lot sooner using stacks provided by the operating system.
Some implementations use growable stacks. This lets us allocate a small part of memory that's enough stack space for most tasks, but instead of causing a stack overflow when we use all of our stack it allocates a new an larger stack and moves everything from the stack it outgrew to a new and larger stack where it can resume the program execution.
GO is an example of this. It starts out with a 8 KB stack and when it runs out of space it reallocates to a larger stack. As in every thing in programming this has some trade-offs, all the pointers you have needs to be updated correctly, and this is not an easy task. If you're more interested in how GO handles it's stack (which is a good example of the use and trade-offs using a growable stack) I'll refer you to this article: https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-stacks-are-handled-in-go/.
{% hint style="info" %}
Note one thing that will be important later: We used a normalVec<u8>
from Rusts standard library. It is very convenient for us but this have some problems. Among others, we have no guarantee that it will stay in the same location in memory.
As you might understand, if the stack is moved to a different address space our program will crash since all our pointers will be invalid. Something as simple as doing apush()
to our stack might trigger an expansion and when aVec
expands it asks for a new, and larger, piece of memory and moves the values over.
{% endhint %}
Ok, now that we've gone through the basics of how a stack looks and works and we are ready to move on to implementing our green threads. You've already done much of the hard work so I promise more code now.
If you are curious enough you might wonder what happens with the stack after we switch over to it?
The answer is that our code written in Rust compiles to instructions for our CPU which then takes over and uses our stack just like any other stack.
Unfortunately to show this I had to increase the stack size to 1024 bytes to allow for the code to print out the stack itself to get enough space so it's not something we could print out here.
However, I made a altered version of our example that you can run which prints out two text files one BEFORE.txt
that prints out our stack before we switch over to it and one AFTER.txt
that prints out the stack after we switched. You can then see for yourself how the stack now is alive and used by our code.
{% hint style="info" %} If you see anything you don't recognize in this code, relax, we will go through them thoroughly very soon. {% endhint %}
use std::io::Write;
const SSIZE: isize = 1024;
static mut S_PTR: *const u8 = 0 as *const u8;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct ThreadContext {
rsp: u64,
r15: u64,
r14: u64,
r13: u64,
r12: u64,
rbx: u64,
rbp: u64,
fn print_stack(filename: &str) {
let mut f = std::fs::File::create(filename).unwrap();
unsafe {
for i in (0..SSIZE).rev() {
writeln!(f, "mem: {}, val: {}", S_PTR.offset(i as isize) as usize, *S_PTR.offset(i as isize));
fn hello() {
loop {
unsafe fn gt_switch(new: *const ThreadContext) {
mov 0x00($0), %rsp
: "r"(new)
: "alignstack"
fn main() {
let mut ctx = ThreadContext::default();
let mut stack = vec![0_u8; SSIZE as usize];
let stack_ptr = stack.as_mut_ptr();
unsafe {
S_PTR = stack_ptr;
std::ptr::write(stack_ptr.offset(SSIZE - 16) as *mut u64, hello as u64);
ctx.rsp = stack_ptr.offset(SSIZE - 16) as u64;
gt_switch(&mut ctx);