canvas.magnifier.js Use for make a magnifier in your canvas.
canvas.magnifier.js 用于在canvas上生成一个放大镜,放大镜的样式可自定义
You can just create magnifier by this simple way.
var magnifier = JyMagnifier({
targetCanvasId: youCanvasId
youCanvas.addEventListener('mousemove', doMouseMove, false);
youCanvas.addEventListener('touchmove', doMouseMove, false);
function doMouseMove(event) {
if (event.type == 'touchmove') {
magnifierDivId magnifier div element id
magnifierDivStyle magnifier div element style, default 'border:1px solid #ccc;background:#fff;box-shadow:5px 5px 25px #000;'
width magnifier width
height magnifier height
ratio magnifier ratio
radius magnifier radius
sightType 'rect' or 'cross', the type of the sight, default 'rect'
sightSize the size of the sight rect, only work if sightType is rect
sightColor default '#FF000'
targetCanvasId your canvas id
show(Boolean show) if set true, show the magnifier
bind(Object event,Function binding) event is the mousemove event, and binging is the fucntion access the magnifierDiv, please see the demo for the usage
setRatio(Number ratio) set the ratio dynamically
See demo.js for more details.