This is a standalone application that integrates Interstellar and Fable. It's analagous to using Electron, except that it employs F# for the whole stack instead of Javascript. This app features a simple GUI built with Elmish-React. This can be run using Visual Studio just like any other application.
Here are the interesting bits to look at:
- HelloWorld.FableUI/FableApp.fs - the Fable+Elmish+React UI, written in F# and transpiled to Javascript
- HelloWorld.Interstellar/App.fs - the Interstellar BrowserApp definition, which handles the lifecycle of the windows, and also hosts and simple static file server for the transpiled Javascript
- HelloWorld.Windows/Program.fs - the Windows entry point
- HelloWorld.macOS/AppDelegate.fs - the macOS entry point
On Windows, open HelloWorld.Windows.sln and run. On macOS, open HelloWorld.macOS.sln, but make sure to execute yarn install
in the command line before running the solution.