Demo for Server Side Software Developers South NL meetup 'Back-end programming: making your applications cloud ready'
Meetup event:
- Docker for Desktop with Kubernetes enabled
- WSL (When running on Windows)
Before continuing, test that connectivity to Kubernetes is working
# docker-for-desktop test
kubectl --context=docker-for-desktop cluster-info
# all Jenkins demo deployments will be done to the default docker cluster. To check the default settings:
kubectl config current-context
Before starting docker-compose, make sure you have created the following files
- docker hub credentials for pushing images
- .secrets/docker-hub-username
- .secrets/docker-hub-password
- github credentials for discoverying repositories
- .secrets/github-username
- .secrets/github-password
- .env file
SMEE_CHANNEL=<channel id> HOME=<only needed on Windows, set to C:\Users\username>
The following files will be automatically created on first start, these are:
- ./secrets/kubectl-encoded-config (a copy of ~/.kube/config)
- ./secrets/ssh-github-java-meetup-key (generated ssh keypair)
- ./secrets/ (generated ssh keypair, used for cloning repositories)
Start jenkins using docker-compose
docker-compose --compatibility up -V --build
After Jenkins is up and running you can go ahead and visit these URL's
- Jenkins URL: http://localhost:8080
- Jenkins configuration as code: http://localhost:8080/configuration-as-code
- Jenkins Job DSL reference: http://localhost:8080/plugin/job-dsl/api-viewer/index.html
Provision kubernetes with some default demo deployments. After running the script the following is done
- kubernetes-dashboard installed
- k8dash installed (another kubernetes dashboard)
- namespace 'java-meetup' created
# This installs some kubernetes tools using 'kubectl --context=docker-for-desktop'
If something doesn't work in Docker for Desktop, try the following
# Check for any errors in the docker log
tail -f /c/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Docker/log.txt
# If Kubernetes fails to start, remove all docker-for-desktop certificates.
# These are automatically re-generated after a first restart
rm -rf /c/ProgramData/DockerDesktop/pki
- Jenkins Job DSL docs:
- kubectl delete ns java-meetup && kubectl create ns java-meetup
Demo 1 - Maven build using Jenkins & Docker
- http://localhost:8080 (show jobs)
- vscode: Jenkinsfile-1-build
- http://localhost:8080/blue/organizations/jenkins/java-meetup-1-build
Demo 2 - Docker build and push
- http://localhost:8080 (show jobs)
- vscode: Jenkinsfile-2-docker-image-build
- http://localhost:8080/blue/organizations/jenkins/java-meetup-2-docker-image-build
Demo 3 - Kubernetes deployment
- vscode: kustomize files
- vscode: Jenkinsfile-3-kubernetes-deploy
- vscode: > kubectl get events -n java-meetup --watch
- http://localhost:8080/blue/organizations/jenkins/java-meetup-3-kubernetes-deploy
Demo 4 - Testing on Kubernetes - multi branch pipeline
- vscode: Jenkinsfile
- http://kubernetes.docker.internal:31523 (check ./ for actual URL)
- test multibranch pipeline webhook
git checkout master git branch -d feature/1 feature/2 feature/3 git push origin --delete feature/1 feature/2 feature/3 git checkout -b feature/1 git checkout -b feature/2 git checkout -b feature/3 git checkout master git push --all origin kubectl get events -n java-meetup --watch