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File metadata and controls

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Mustache Mustache   Linux: Build Status   Windows: Build Status


Mustache is

... a logic-less template syntax. It can be used for HTML,
config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a
template using values provided in a hash or object.

This package ports over most of the mustache.js implementation for use in Julia. All credit should go there. All bugs are my own.


Following the main documentation for Mustache.js we have a "typical Mustache template" defined by:

using Mustache

tpl = mt"""
Hello {{name}}
You have just won {{value}} dollars!
Well, {{taxed_value}} dollars, after taxes.

The values with braces (mustaches on their side) are looked up in a view, such as a dictionary or module. For example,

d = Dict()
d["name"] = "Chris"
d["value"] = 10000
d["taxed_value"] = 10000 - (10000 * 0.4)
d["in_ca"] = true

render(tpl, d)


Hello Chris
You have just won 10000 dollars!

Well, 6000.0 dollars, after taxes.

The render function pieces things together. Like print, the first argument is for an option IO instance. In the above example, where one is not provided, the sprint function is employed.

The second argument is a either a string or a mustache template. As seen, templates can be made through the mt no-standard string literal. The advantage of using mt, is the template will be processed at compile time and its reuse will be faster.

The templates use tags comprised of matching mustaches ({}), either two or three, to indicate a value to be substituted for.

The third argument is for a view to provide values to substitute into the template. The above example used a dictionary. A Module may also be used, such as Main:

name, value, taxed_value, in_ca = "Christine", 10000, 10000 - (10000 * 0.4), false
render(tpl, Main) |> print

Which yields:

Hello Christine
You have just won 10000 dollars!

Further, keyword arguments can be used when the variables in the templates are symbols:

goes_together = mt"{{{:x}}} and {{{:y}}}."
render(goes_together, x="Salt", y="pepper")
render(goes_together, x="Bread", y="butter")

As well, one can use Composite Kinds. This may make writing show methods easier:

using Distributions
tpl = "Beta distribution with alpha={{alpha}}, beta={{beta}}"
render(tpl, Beta(1, 2))


"Beta distribution with alpha=1.0, beta=2.0"


Tags representing variables have the form {{varname}}, {{:symbol}}, or their triple-braced versions. (The triple brace prevents HTML substitution for entities such as <.)


In the main example, the template included:

Well, {{taxed_value}} dollars, after taxes.

Tags beginning with #varname and closed with /varname create section. The part between them is used only if the variable is defined. Related, if the tag begins with ^varname and ends with /varname the text between these tags is included only if the variable is not defined.


If the section variable binds to an iterable collection, then the text in the section is repeated for each item in the collection.

This is use for collections of named objects, such as DataFrames (where the collection is comprised of rows) or arrays of dictionaries.

For data frames the variable names are specified as symbols or strings. Here is a template for making a web page:

tpl = """

This can be used to generate a web page for whos-like values:

_names = Array(String, 0)
_summaries = Array(String, 0)
m = Main
for s in sort(map(string, names(m)))
    v = symbol(s)
    if isdefined(m,v)
        push!(_names, s)
        push!(_summaries, summary(eval(m,v)))

using DataFrames
d = DataFrame(names=_names, summs=_summaries)

out = render(tpl, {"Title" => "A quick table", "d" => d})

This can be compared to using an array of Dicts, convenient if you have data by the row:

A = [{"a" => "eh", "b" => "bee"},
     {"a" => "ah", "b" => "buh"}]
tpl = mt"{{#A}}Pronounce a as {{a}} and b as {{b}}. {{/A}}"
render(tpl, {"A" => A}) |> print


Pronounce a as eh and b as bee. Pronounce a as ah and b as buh.

The same approach can be made to make a LaTeX table from a data frame:

function df_to_table(df, label="label", caption="caption")
	fmt = repeat("c", length(df))
    row = join(["{{$x}}" for x in map(string, names(df))], " & ")

{{#df}}    $row\\\\
{{/df}}  \\end{tabular}

render(tpl, ["df"=>df, "caption"=>caption, "label" => label])

Differences from Mustache.js

This project deviates from that of in a few significant ways:

  • The partials tag (the > tag) is not implemented.
  • The tags are only demarcated with mustaches, this is not customizable
  • Julian structures are used, not JavaScript objects. As illustrated, one can use Dicts, Modules, DataFrames