This is a work in progress. The objective is to be able to mine Packetcrypt on HiveOS using the Custom Miner feature.
Currently, the procedure is as follows:
- On HiveOS, create a new wallet called PKT using your wallet address.
- Go to Flight Sheets > Add New
- Choose PKT for coin, and the PKT Wallet for wallet, then go to Custom Miner.
- Your config should look like this: !!NOTE!! When updating the miner, Hive will automatically update the miner name. Make sure to rename it to "packetcrypt" without any numbers afterwards. Use the following link as the miner link:
- Add your pools. You can choose any pool order you want out of the following:
- Apply the flightsheet to your worker and check the stats. Note that it will be reported as "kH" instead of "Ke", but that's just how Hive works for now.
NOTE: The miner stats are working, but we are still working on displaying "goodrate" percentages. Currently only total ke/s is shown.