User bot that reads messages from users and bots and can sort and edit them and transmit to users / other channels.
NPM (built in node.js package)
How to install the bot:
Open console and execute the following commands:
mkdir Mybot
cd Mybot
If you have git installed then you can just do:
git clone
cd Message-Sorter
or download zip file and extract it to Mybot folder.
Depending on what modules manager you prefer you can do either
npm install
After the modules have been installed you would need to launch the bot with:
node bot.js
To make bot work with your own user profile:
create .env
file in the bot folder and add the following lines:
Telegram API ID and API HASH are the authorization token and its salt you can get from the following link:
Login there with your preferred phone number, enter the confirmation code and you will see the following menu:
Your API id goes to API_ID="Number", Your API hash goes to API_HASH="Hash"
Replace number
with the correct api id and hash
with the correct hash you see in telegram apps.
variable is working phone number you wish to log in to. Use international format.
variable will be sent to your phone number when you first try to log in. Edit this field as soon as you get the code in Telegram messages or SMS.
After environment variables are set you're done and your bot will be online.
How to set your channel:
To find channel id: right click on any message in your chat and select 'Copy message link' option - link should be
the number right after /c/ is your channel id.
How to set your user/group to receive notifications:
If you send your messages to yourself -
const usrToFind = await'contacts.resolveUsername', { username: 'YourUsername', });
edit the YourUsername
to your own one in the bot.js
file. This tg account would receive messages from the bot.
How to set up your own filters:
Find the function startListener() and the loop inside it. Then find the lines
if (message.message.includes('FILLED' )){ sendMessage(recipient, editBotMsg(message.message))}
You can replace 'FILLED' with any word of your choice. All messages containing your keyword would be resent to your account set in the section above.
How to edit messages:
All the logic of editing the message before sending it to the end user is set in the editBotMsg function.
to add some new words or remove old ones add or remove if (msg.includes('YourWord')) { ... }
code blocks,
if these words should be replaced with anything just edit the newMsg = msg.replace('YourWords', 'NewWords')