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775 lines (661 loc) · 31.5 KB

Dependency management: just serve

just serve starts a remote target-level cache service (for ease called from now on the serve service) that can maintain and provide project dependencies via an associated remote-execution endpoint. The serve service is also responsible, in the case of a target-level cache miss when performing the target lookup, to build the relevant target (by dispatching it to a remote execution endpoint) and thus remember the result in its cache for subsequent requests. It has to be mentioned that we are only interested here in export targets in content-fixed repositories, as those are the ones eligible to be cached in the first place.

The usefulness of such a service are several

  • projects can have many dependencies. These tend to not be part of the build environment and are instead built from source, but with justbuild these result in content-fixed repositories (including logically, via the "to_git" pragma), increasing reproducibility and easing target caching.

  • projects tend to share dependencies. By connecting to the same target-level cache service, and as dependencies tend to be updated less frequently than the code being actively developed, projects can expect frequent target cache hits, reducing overall build times.

  • easier maintenance of necessary archives, promoting reproducibility and improving auditing.

  • projects can avoid having to fetch their dependencies locally, thus reducing the amount of data needed to be present for a successful build.

The way this service interacts with the other justbuild components is described in the following diagram:

         ┌───────────────────>│ execution │
         │  ┌─────────────────┤ endpoint  │
         │  │                 └──────┬────┘
   build │  │ artifacts            ^ │
dispatch │  │                      │ │
         │  v                      │ │
     ┌───┴───────┐                 │ │
     │  serve    │                 │ │
     │  endpoint │                 │ │
     └───────────┘                 │ │
           ^                       │ │
           │                       │ │
           │                       │ │
           │                       │ │
           │                       │ │
     basic │                 build │ │ artifacts
      RPCs │              dispatch │ │
           │                       │ │
           │       ┌────────┐      │ │
           │       │        ├──────┘ │
           └──────>│ client │        │
                   │        │<───────┘

As can be seen, the serve endpoint doubles as another client of the remote-execution endpoint, able to dispatch builds for export targets it has no cache entry for and retrieve the resulting build artifacts. In fact, any CAS object that should normally need to be transacted between the client and the serve endpoint happens only via the remote-execution endpoint, with direct communication being restricted to basic RPCs (which have minimal information and are thus very small). This reduces the communication taking place between the client and the serve endpoint, while ensuring that the remote CAS has all the opportunities to cache entries between builds. This comes at a slight cost of extra communication between the serve and execution endpoints (to sync various requested entries), however in a typical deployment these endpoints are expected to be close network-wise.

In the remainder of this tutorial section, we will first cover some basics of setting up the serve service, then we will showcase how to set up and use just serve to provide first- and third-party dependencies to a justbuild project by expanding on a previously covered example scenario.

Basic usage of just serve

To simplify usage, just serve supports only one argument, the path to a configuration file containing all the options needed to set up the service. Therefore the serve service can simply be started by typing in a shell

$ just serve <CONFIG_FILE>

The format of the configuration file is JSON. For the purposes of this tutorial section, we will consider from now on as our configuration file the path .just-servec in the current working directory.

Let us see what calling just serve with an empty configuration file does and interpret the result. Thus, using a configuration file with content


results in

$ just serve .just-servec
INFO: serve and execute services started: {"interface":"","pid":3728424,"port":34429}

First of all, the message mentions two services: serve and execute. As a reminder from the tutorial section on Building Third-party Software, running just execute starts a single-node remote build execution service in the current environment. Our just serve dependency management service always requires an associated remote-execution endpoint to be provided in order for various artifacts or Git objects to be transacted with a client via the CAS of the remote-execution endpoint. Therefore, calling just serve without specifying an existing remote-execution endpoint automatically creates for us a single-node remote-execution service, exposed at the same socket address.

Once the serve service is started, it logs out three pieces of data:

  • which interface is used. In this case, the default one, which is the loopback device.
  • the pid number. This changes with each invocation.
  • the used port. In this case, the default one, a random free port was automatically chosen.

Now the serve service can be used by running, in a different shell

$ just [...] -R localhost:34429
# or
$ just-mr -R localhost:34429 [...]

Note that if we do not specify explicitly the remote-execution endpoint (via option -r), the tool will assume a remote-execution endpoint is exposed on the same socket (HOST:PORT pair). A mismatch in the remote-execution endpoint specified by the client and the one set up for the just serve instance will result in an error.

Explicit interface, port or existing remote-execution endpoint

There are good situations where relying on defaults is preferred. For example

  • the loopback device is a good option when the serve service runs on a dedicated machine;
  • relying on the default single-node remote-execution service means one can quickly start using the service on a shared machine with minimal effort, e.g., in a small team or for fast prototyping;
  • sometimes one does not know a fixed port number available for the desired serve endpoint.

However, in most cases a remote-execution endpoint already exists and a finer control on the service endpoint is desired. The just serve configuration file can easily be set up with such information. For example, a serve service configured with

{ "remote service":
  { "interface": ""
  , "port": 9999
, "execution endpoint": {"address": ""}

could then be exploited in a different shell as

$ just [...] -R -r
# or
$ just-mr -R -r [...]

In general, we recommend that the serve endpoint is close to its associated remote-execution endpoint in a network sense (same subnet, or even same host, as above). More importantly, as with any service over the network, security should be considered, therefore next we will cover server and client certification, which ensure both the needed security, but also allows client access management.

Enable mTLS

As with just execute, mTLS must be enabled when the service starts, and it cannot be activated (or deactivated) while the serve service is running.

The configuration file can be extended to specify both the client and server certification, such as

, "remote-service":
  , "server cert":
    {"root": "system", "path": "etc/just-serve/certs/server.crt"}
  , "server key": 
    {"root": "system", "path": "etc/just-serve/certs/server.key"}
, "authentication":
  { "ca cert": {"root": "system", "path": "etc/just-serve/certs/ca.crt"}
  , "client cert": 
    {"root": "system", "path": "etc/just-serve/certs/client.crt"}
  , "client key": 
    {"root": "system", "path": "etc/just-serve/certs/client.key"}

It must be noted that we expect the same CA certificate was used on the associated remote-execution endpoint, and naturally any client of the serve service should connect by passing the same CA certificate and a pair of certificate and private key signed by the same authority as the serve and execution endpoints.

Therefore, a client using the serve service will connect as

$ just [...] -R <serve_endpoint> [-r <execution_endpoint>] --tls-ca-cert <path_to_CA_cert> \
             --tls-client-cert <path_to_client_cert> --tls-client-key <path_to_client_key>
# or
$ just-mr -R <serve_endpoint> [-r <execution_endpoint>] --tls-ca-cert <path_to_CA_cert> \
          --tls-client-cert <path_to_client_cert> --tls-client-key <path_to_client_key> [...]

Note that the serve configuration file requires location objects to be specified (which can be relative to the system root or to the current user's home directory), while the command line argument paths are expected to be either relative to the invocation directory or absolute.

Known repositories

A simple way to maintain the dependencies of a project is to store its list of needed third-party archives under version control (for our tool, a Git repository). For this purpose, just serve can be configured to be made aware at startup of local (with respect to the service environment) Git repositories checkout locations, places where the service can look for required Git objects, such as archives or repository roots. To do this, the configuration file can be extended, for example, with

, "repositories":
  [ {"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/third-party-distfiles"}
  , {"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/project-foo"}
  , {"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/project-bar"}

Local build root

In order to provide values of target-cache entries to the client, the serve service has to have its own target-level cache, and thus its own local build root. If one does not want to use the usual default location, the configuration file can be extended, for example, with

, "local build root": {"root": "system", "path": "var/cache/serve-build-root"}

Do keep in mind that the build root must be given as an absolute path.

Importantly, the local build root, as is generally the case for justbuild, is the only place where the tool will write.

Info file

To more easily handle the logged data provided by the running service, i.e., interface, pid, and port, we can configure the serve service to provide this information also in a file, which then can simply be parsed. To do this we can extend the "remote service" field accordingly

, "remote-service":
  , "pid file": {"root": "system", "path": "var/run/info.json"}

Serving export targets

For the following, we return to the hello_world example from the section on Building Third-party dependencies, which depends on the open-source project fmtlib. Our repos.json at this stage reads:

{ "main": "tutorial"
, "repositories":
  { "rules-cc":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "git"
      , "branch": "master"
      , "commit": "22777343f1cfdda9880c61516be22fdfa595a569"
      , "repository": ""
      , "subdir": "rules"
    , "target_root": "tutorial-defaults"
    , "rule_root": "rules-cc"
  , "tutorial":
    { "repository": {"type": "file", "path": "."}
    , "bindings": {"rules": "rules-cc", "format": "fmtlib"}
  , "tutorial-defaults":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "file"
      , "path": "./tutorial-defaults"
      , "pragma": {"to_git": true}
  , "fmt-targets-layer":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "file"
      , "path": "./fmt-layer"
      , "pragma": {"to_git": true}
  , "fmtlib":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "git"
      , "branch": "master"
      , "commit": "b6f4ceaed0a0a24ccf575fab6c56dd50ccf6f1a9"
      , "repository": ""
    , "target_root": "fmt-targets-layer"
    , "bindings": {"rules": "rules-cc"}

What we would like to do is use a just serve instance to provide the "fmt" export target, used to build the hello_world binary. In our final setup, the source code of the fmtlib library would never need to ever be fetched by any client building this project.

To achieve this, in simple terms, the requirements needed to be met to build the "fmt" export target locally (as done so far) will need to be met by the serve endpoint. The following diagram showcases the distribution of roots between the client and the serve endpoint

            Locally                  .             On the serve endpoint
                                     .             workspace_root  ┌──────────┐
                                     .            ┌───────────────>│ "fmtlib" │
┌─────────────────────┐  target_root . ┌───────┐  │                └──────────┘
│ "fmt-targets-layer" │<───────────────┤ "fmt" ├──┤
└─────────────────────┘              . └───────┘  │ bindings       ┌────────────┐
                                     .            └───────────────>│ "rules-cc" │
                                     .                             └────────────┘

What this diagram showcases is that for the "fmt" target

  • the source code is provided by repository "fmtlib". This needs to be made available to the serve endpoint and a correct setup (as will be shown) can ensure that the client never has to fetch this repository locally.
  • the target description is provided by repository "fmt-targets-layer", made content-defined by the "to_git" pragma and available locally in the Git checkout ./tutorial-defaults. What makes just serve more than a simple dependency manager is that it allows for the target description to be changed locally and dispatch a build of a target without ever having to have the source code.
  • the repository "rules-cc" is needed on the serve endpoint as a transitive dependency, as it contains the rules by which the "fmt" target needs to be built.
  • finally, the build of target "fmt" is left to the serve endpoint, which will dispatch it to the respective remote-execution endpoint, with the client just receiving the target-level cache value and resulting artifacts.

In the following we will showcase how a just serve instance can be configured for this scenario, together with the changes needed in the local repos.json build description in order to build a hello_world binary from a client that never has to fetch the source code of fmtlib.

Let us start with a basic .just-servec configuration file, on which we can then expand step-by-step

{ "local build root": {"root": "system", "path": "var/cache/serve-build-root"}
, "remote service": {"port": 9999}

Serving third-party dependencies: "fmtlib"

For building third-party dependencies from source the typical input is in the form of archived packages. This ensures easy auditing, code reproducibility, and long term offline availability for analysis and, of course, building.

The "fmtlib" repository falls under this category, therefore in order to make it easily maintainable via a serve endpoint we need to switch its description to an archive-type repository. The fmtlib project offers for the tagged commit used by us so far an official packaged version (Git object hash: fd4144c2835f89516cac0db1f3c7b73562555dca), therefore the first step is to change repository "fmtlib" in our repos.json to type "zip", populating its required fields as needed.

Secondly, we can instruct justbuild to treat this repository as absent, which means that just-mr will set up this repository root such that it is not held locally, but it is known to the serve endpoint. This does not by itself exclude the possibility that the fmtlib archive will never be fetched, but, as will be shown below, pairing it with a good setup of the serve server will most certainly achieve this.

With all these changes, the "fmtlib" entry in our repos.json now reads

  , "fmtlib":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "zip"
      , "content": "fd4144c2835f89516cac0db1f3c7b73562555dca"
      , "fetch": ""
      , "subdir": "fmt-8.1.1"
      , "pragma": {"absent": true}
    , "target_root": "fmt-targets-layer"
    , "bindings": {"rules": "rules-cc"}

Now let us discuss what preparations are needed for the serve service in order to avoid clients having to fetch archives from the network.

The typical way a project keeps track of their third-party packages is under some version control, e.g., a Git repository. Assuming the referenced fmtlib archive is available in such a Git repository, we can create a local checkout at path /var/repos/distfiles. Then the following command should pass

$ git -C /var/repos/distfiles cat-file -t fd4144c2835f89516cac0db1f3c7b73562555dca

This repository checkout can then be made available to the serve service by adding its path to the known repository list in the .just-servec configuration file, which will become

{ "local build root": {"root": "system", "path": "var/cache/serve-build-root"}
, "remote service": {"port": 9999}
, "repositories": [{"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/distfiles"}]

Do keep in mind that deciding which Git checkout locations are known to the serve endpoint needs to be decided before the service is started, and no modification to its configuration can be done during its operation. Any updates would thus need a redeployment of the service.

Serving first-party dependencies: "rules-cc"

Projects in general can also depend on first-party code, which is more actively developed, such as code developed in the same organization by other teams, that is more closely coupled and more frequently updated than third-party code. For the most case, projects will want to use up-to-date verified versions of these codes, for example the latest commit of a Git repository which uses proper CI integration to test everything merged to its main branch.

In our tutorial example, we will consider "rules-cc" as a first-party dependency. We will start with the serve service setup.

As we want to be able to easily change the commit we are interested in whenever we expect the latest version of this repository in our project, on the serve server we will create a local Git checkout of "rules-cc" stored at /var/repos/rules-cc. This means that a client can easily update its build description to point to whichever commit it needs, while the serve server will have to ensure this checkout is always kept updated (usually automatized, for example via a cron job). The configuration file of the serve service will need thus to be updated to include this checkout location, so .just-servec now reads

{ "local build root": {"root": "system", "path": "var/cache/serve-build-root"}
, "remote service": {"port": 9999}
, "repositories": 
  [ {"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/distfiles"}
  , {"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/rules-cc"}

On the client side for our hello_world example we however cannot mark the "rules-cc" as absent. This is because while the "fmt" export target requiring this binding can be served, the main target of the tutorial is fully local, which requires "rules-cc" to be present. However, the information on which rule root is used is known, so during the dispatched build the serve endpoint will search for this root in its known repositories and find it in the prepared local checkout.

Putting it all together

We are now ready to see how this setup works. At this point the repos.json is

{ "main": "tutorial"
, "repositories":
  { "rules-cc":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "git"
      , "branch": "master"
      , "commit": "22777343f1cfdda9880c61516be22fdfa595a569"
      , "repository": ""
      , "subdir": "rules"
    , "target_root": "tutorial-defaults"
    , "rule_root": "rules-cc"
  , "tutorial":
    { "repository": {"type": "file", "path": "."}
    , "bindings": {"rules": "rules-cc", "format": "fmtlib"}
  , "tutorial-defaults":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "file"
      , "path": "./tutorial-defaults"
      , "pragma": {"to_git": true}
  , "fmt-targets-layer":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "file"
      , "path": "./fmt-layer"
      , "pragma": {"to_git": true}
  , "fmtlib":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "zip"
      , "content": "fd4144c2835f89516cac0db1f3c7b73562555dca"
      , "fetch": ""
      , "subdir": "fmt-8.1.1"
      , "pragma": {"absent": true}
    , "target_root": "fmt-targets-layer"
    , "bindings": {"rules": "rules-cc"}

and the .just-servec configuration file is

{ "local build root": {"root": "system", "path": "var/cache/serve-build-root"}
, "remote service": {"port": 9999}
, "repositories": 
  [ {"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/distfiles"}
  , {"root": "system", "path": "var/repos/rules-cc"}

We can now start the serve service

$ just serve .just-servec
INFO: serve and execute services started: {"interface":"","pid":4178555,"port":9999}

and, in a different shell, build hello_world in a clean build root using this serve endpoint

$ just-mr -R localhost:9999 --local-build-root ~/local-build-root build helloworld
INFO: Performing repositories setup
INFO: Found 5 repositories to set up
INFO: Setup finished, exec ["just","build","-C","...","--local-build-root","/home/tutorial/local-build-root","-R","","helloworld"]
INFO: Using '' as the remote execution endpoint.
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","","helloworld"],{}]
INFO: Analysed target [["@","tutorial","","helloworld"],{}]
INFO: Export targets found: 0 cached, 1 served, 0 uncached, 0 not eligible for caching
INFO: Discovered 4 actions, 2 trees, 0 blobs
INFO: Building [["@","tutorial","","helloworld"],{}].
INFO: Processed 4 actions, 0 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        helloworld [18d25e828a0176cef6fb029bfd83e1862712ec87:132736:x]

We use a clean build root (here, in the $HOME directory of the current user, in our example /home/tutorial/) to show that we indeed not use any old cache entries from previous builds and that everything marked absent really comes from the serve endpoint. The running shell where the serve service was started in will have been updated to

INFO: serve and execute services started: {"interface":"","pid":4178555,"port":9999}
INFO (target-service): Analysed target [["@","0","","fmt"],{"ADD_CXXFLAGS":null,"AR":null,"CXX":null,"CXXFLAGS":null,"ENV":null}]
INFO (execution-service): Execute 62a33fc12031c240d38d12b183a47f79e9ce90ea58
INFO (execution-service): Execute 62af85caddbbc28caa08d98e004c6fa8772f69b057
INFO (execution-service): Execute 6233fc78dcdcde8fd3c4bdda7cbaf7f915d8c7a01b
INFO (execution-service): Execute 62d181d81cac1e6a8c331c3eac643fb9ad0cac4cdd

showing that the "fmt" export target has been analysed and built by the serve endpoint (with the build dispatched to the associated remote-execution endpoint, which in our case coincides with the serve endpoint, hence the merged output information).

Final notes

For our example project we, of course, worked locally and deployed the serve endpoint on the loopback device. Those who want to further test this hello_world with a serve endpoint deployed actually on, e.g., a different physical or logical partition, to better simulate the client-server separation, would have to move to the new server deployment location just the .just-servec configuration file and the repos directory.

Absent repositories and rc-files

As covered in the above, once we have locally a correct build description separating first- and third-party dependencies, the only change made locally to request that repository roots be served by a serve endpoint is the addition of the pragma tag {"absent": true}. While in our example we only dealt with one absent repository as we had one export target, projects usually have tens of dependencies providing tens or hundreds of export targets, all of which could be managed and served by a suitably set up just serve instance. With different clients having different local and remote setups, it is preferred if one main build description is packaged with a project and its interaction with the various remote endpoints (serve and execution) can be easily maintained by the user.

Thankfully, just-mr accepts as an argument a repository configuration file (or rc-file, for short), which can hold not only all the usual command line arguments, but also extra arguments, such as one related to absent repositories.

Let us show how this work. First, as stated, we clean up our repos.json by removing any "absent" pragma fields

{ "main": "tutorial"
, "repositories":
  { "rules-cc":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "git"
      , "branch": "master"
      , "commit": "22777343f1cfdda9880c61516be22fdfa595a569"
      , "repository": ""
      , "subdir": "rules"
    , "target_root": "tutorial-defaults"
    , "rule_root": "rules-cc"
  , "tutorial":
    { "repository": {"type": "file", "path": "."}
    , "bindings": {"rules": "rules-cc", "format": "fmtlib"}
  , "tutorial-defaults":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "file"
      , "path": "./tutorial-defaults"
      , "pragma": {"to_git": true}
  , "fmt-targets-layer":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "file"
      , "path": "./fmt-layer"
      , "pragma": {"to_git": true}
  , "fmtlib":
    { "repository":
      { "type": "zip"
      , "content": "fd4144c2835f89516cac0db1f3c7b73562555dca"
      , "fetch": ""
      , "subdir": "fmt-8.1.1"
    , "target_root": "fmt-targets-layer"
    , "bindings": {"rules": "rules-cc"}

One can easily check that this allows us to build locally again, with the note that, as we have changed the "fmtlib" repository type, we need a fetch of the archive. But, of course, we do not want to fetch this archive and build locally, just maintain a build description that could do so in the absence of a properly set up serve endpoint.

Next we create a file absent.json with content


This has a single JSON list of the names of the repositories that should be marked as absent. We have chosen a descriptive file name, but one is free to choose another.

Then we need to set up the rc-file of just-mr. By default, just-mr always tries to read such a configuration file, with the default location being $HOME/.just-mrrc. Here we will pass this file explicitly, so we create file rc-file in the current directory with content

{ "local build root": {"root": "home", "path": "local-build-root"}
, "remote serve": {"address": "localhost:9999"}
, "absent": [{"root": "workspace", "path": "absent.json"}]

Let us break it down. The local build root is given using a construct we call a location object, specifying a path relative to some root type. In this case, we use root "home" to signal that this path is relative to the current user's ${HOME} directory (e.g., in the example below /home/tutorial/). Next we specify the serve endpoint address, which is straight-forward. Lastly, we specify the list of repositories to be marked absent by giving the absent.json path relative to the workspace. This is because typically one would keep such a file in the project's tree, as it contains information pertinent to this particular project only. The presence of the ROOT file in the current directory ensures the file will be picked up by just-mr.

With all this, we can rebuild, using this rc-file and with the same serve endpoint still running, successfully

$ just-mr --rc rc-file build helloworld
INFO: Performing repositories setup
INFO: Found 5 repositories to set up
INFO: Setup finished, exec ["just","build","-C","...","--local-build-root","/home/tutorial/local-build-root","-R","localhost:9999","helloworld"]
INFO: Using 'localhost:9999' as the remote execution endpoint.
INFO: Requested target is [["@","tutorial","","helloworld"],{}]
INFO: Analysed target [["@","tutorial","","helloworld"],{}]
INFO: Export targets found: 0 cached, 1 served, 0 uncached, 0 not eligible for caching
INFO: Discovered 4 actions, 2 trees, 0 blobs
INFO: Building [["@","tutorial","","helloworld"],{}].
INFO: Processed 4 actions, 4 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        helloworld [18d25e828a0176cef6fb029bfd83e1862712ec87:132736:x]

Lastly, it should be mentioned that the just-mr rc-file can be instructed to import configurations from other rc-files, overwriting (or expanding, for list-type fields) the values in the main one. This means that a minimal desired configuration can be shipped with the project, and users then can import it into their local rc-file (which possibly gets shared by several projects). If we assume file shipped-rc-file contains

{ "remote serve": {"address": ""}
, "remote execution": {"address": ""}

then using a modified rc-file reading

{ "local build root": {"root": "home", "path": "local-build-root"}
, "remote serve": {"address": "localhost:9999"}
, "absent": [{"root": "workspace", "path": "absent.json"}]
, "rc files": [{"root": "workspace", "path": "shipped-rc-file"}]

would be equivalent to the single combined configuration of

{ "local build root": {"root": "home", "path": "local-build-root"}
, "remote serve": {"address": ""}
, "absent": [{"root": "workspace", "path": "absent.json"}]
, "remote execution": {"address": ""}