- What work did the SIG do this year that should be highlighted?
- We had no major KEP enhancements, just one security improving KEP targeting kubeadm mentioned below.
- There were no governance and leadership changes in 2023.
- We collected subproject self-assessment from all of our subprojects. This has become a common practice for us, so that we have good signal for subproject health, given we have so many subprojects. We perform the collection of self-assessments on a best effort period of time. For example the previous one was in 2021.
- Some subproject highlights for 2023, in no particular order and definitely not a complete list:
- Minikube released a GUI.
- kOps started participating in an initiative to replace the legacy kube-up deployer for testing K8s.
- kubeadm started work on v1beta4.
- cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud completed a code-a-thon: A one day hackathon.
- cluster-api-operator continued working on simplifying the UX around CAPI usage.
- cluster-api: focused on improving performance and MachinePools.
- Are there any areas and/or subprojects that your group needs help with (e.g. fewer than 2 active OWNERS)?
As established by our self-assessment mentioned above, the most common areas where we need help are:
- Contributing to code
- Reviewing code
Subprojects that might need help with additional OWNERS, in no particular order, and maybe an incomplete list:
- cluster-api-addon-provider-helm
- cluster-api-ipam-provider-in-cluster
- cluster-api-provider-gcp
- cluster-api-provider-kubemark
- cluster-api-provider-openstack
- cluster-api-provider-packet
- kubeadm
We encourage contributors who are interested in our subprojects to reach out to the SIG mailing list or to individual subproject Slack channels.
- Did you have community-wide updates in 2023 (e.g. KubeCon talks)?
For KubeCon EU 2023, we had the following talks:
- Minikube, from CLI to GUI
- How to Turn Release Management from Duty to Fun: Lessons Learned Building the Cluster API Release Team
- Cluster API Providers: Intro, Deep Dive, and Community!
- Kubeadm Deep Dive
- Mission Accomplished: Kubernetes Is Not a Monorepo. Now Our Work Begins!
For KubeCon NA 2023, we had the following talks:
- SIG Cluster Lifecycle Intro & Future
- Minikube project update
- Cluster API Deep Dive: Improving Performance up to 2k Clusters
The above lists do not include SIG CL subproject related talks from third parties.
- KEP work in 2023 (v1.27, v1.28, v1.29):
While we have a few SIG level KEPs in kubernetes/enhancements
, kubeadm is the only subproject that we have that is part
of the Kubernetes release and more actively receives KEPs. In 2023 we worked on a KEP to move kubeadm away from generating
a single admin.conf
that has super powers and instead generate two - admin.conf
and super-admin.conf
- https://git.k8s.io/enhancements/keps/sig-cluster-lifecycle/kubeadm/4214-separate-super-user-kubeconfig/README.md It graduated to GA within a single Kubernetes release.
New in 2023:
- [cluster-api-addon-provider-helm](https://git.k8s.io/community/#cluster-api-addon-provider-helm)
- [cluster-api-ipam-provider-in-cluster](https://git.k8s.io/community/#cluster-api-ipam-provider-in-cluster) Continuing:
- cluster-addons
- cluster-api
- cluster-api-operator
- cluster-api-provider-aws
- cluster-api-provider-azure
- cluster-api-provider-cloudstack
- cluster-api-provider-digitalocean
- cluster-api-provider-gcp
- cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud
- cluster-api-provider-kubemark
- cluster-api-provider-kubevirt
- cluster-api-provider-nested
- cluster-api-provider-openstack
- cluster-api-provider-packet
- cluster-api-provider-vsphere
- etcdadm
- image-builder
- kOps
- kubeadm
- kubespray
- minikube
New in 2023:
- LTS Retired in 2023:
- Reliability
Operational tasks in sig-governance.md:
- README.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- CONTRIBUTING.md reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- Other contributing docs (e.g. in devel dir or contributor guide) reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- Subprojects list and linked OWNERS files in sigs.yaml reviewed for accuracy and updated if needed
- SIG leaders (chairs, tech leads, and subproject leads) in sigs.yaml are accurate and active, and updated if needed
- Meeting notes and recordings for 2023 are linked from README.md and updated/uploaded if needed