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Support test methods with Kotlin suspend modifier #1914




Support running suspend test in JUnit Jupiter:

class Kit {
    suspend fun foo() {
        delay(1000) // suspend call
        assertEquals(1, 1)

Currently, such test can be written this way:

class Kit {
    fun foo() = runBlocking {
        delay(1000) // suspend call
        assertEquals(1, 1)
        assertThrows { /* ... */ } 
        Unit // test should return void, but `assertThrows` returns `Throwable`, so `foo` returns `Throwable` too 

Also, will be nice to provide CoroutineScope through params, or as receiver in extension:

class Kit {
    suspend fun foo(scope: CoroutinesScope) {  /* ... */  } // (1)
    suspend fun {  /* ... */  } // (2)

1 and 2 actually the same on bytecode level. suspend is optional.

And finally, support for runBlockingTest:

class Kit {
    suspend fun foo(scope: TestCoroutinesScope) {  /* ... */  }
    suspend fun {  /* ... */  } 

What can be done currently

ParameterResolver can be used to provide stubs for Continuation, CoroutineScope and TestCoroutineScope. These stub arguments can be replaced with real arguments in invocation.


Current extensions points not enough to implement this feature as extensions, since:

  1. Discovery. Jupiter discovers tests that returns void, but suspend fun returns Object;
  2. Invocation. InvocationInterceptor in 5.5-M1(SNAPSHOT) don't providing mechanism to override actual invocation, only to decoration of existing invocation. Conversion of method to kotlinFunction, and then executing using callSuspend is necessary to execute suspend fun.

Also, my slides about this topic.


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