I have written a custom Kafka starter using spring in order to minimize and avoid the same producer-consumer configurations across the microservices
all you need to do just add a maven dependency in your spring project and add the properties like bootstrap server and topic name then without doing any configuration you can produce and consume messages
You can set different properties in application.yml or application.properties
bootStrapServer: "localhost:9092"
producerBootStrapServer: "localhost:9092"
consumerBootstrapServer: "localhost:9092"
groupId: "mygrp"
autoOffsetReset: "earliest"
maxPollSize: 80
This starter will provide following features
- Single topic creation
- Multiple topic creation
- sending messages on any specific kafka topic
- consume messages from kafka**
- for creating topic on kafka
KafkaTopicInterface kafkaTopicInterface;
public boolean createTopic() {
String topicname="mytopic"; int noOfpartition=3; short replicationFactor=1;
return kafkaTopicInterface.createTopic(topicname,noOfpartition,replicationFactor);
- for sending message on kafka topic
KafkaProducerConfigProperties kafkaProducerConfigProperties;
public String produceJsonObjects() {
String topicname="mytopic";
kafkaProducerConfigProperties.kafkaTemplateForJsonObjects().send(topicname,new MyData(1,"my topic value"));
- for Consume message from kafka
@KafkaListener(topics = "mytopic",clientIdPrefix = "json",containerFactory = "kafkaListenerJSONObjectContainerFactory") public void getMessagesFromKafka(MyData data) { System.out.println(data.toString()); }