This project is based on the guide, How to create and deploy an ERC20 token.
To begin, clone the qn-guide-examples
repo, navigate to this project's directory and open the project directory in a code editor (VS code in this case).
git clone
cd qn-guide-examples/ethereum/erc-20
code .
There are 2 ways we have demonstrated here to deploy an ERC20 token:
1️⃣ By inheriting the ERC20 interface and creating our own contract, for this use the file erc20_without_library.sol
on line 66 and line 67.
Then create a new file in REMIX IDE and deploy your contract using injected provider on Goerli testnet. If you need some Goerli testnet ETH you can get it from QuickNode faucet.
Make sure to set the compiler version to
2️⃣ By using OpenZepplin contract library, for this use the file erc20_with_library.sol
In this method we can deploy the contract using REMIX IDE's injected provider on Goerli testnet.
You can change the token name and symbol based on your liking.