Edit development/CLI_VERSION
and then download the specific version of driver. It can be found in https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/actions/workflows/publish_canary.yml
wget https://playwright.azureedge.net/builds/driver/next/playwright-$(cat development/CLI_VERSION)-mac.zip
Then, extract the driver zip file, and set PLAYWRIGHT_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH
Note that Playwright >= 1.43 doesn't include playwright.sh, and we have to set $DRIVER_DOWNLOAD_PATH/node $DRIVER_DOWNLOAD_PATH/package/cli.js
into PLAYWRIGHT_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH or manually put https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/v1.42.1/utils/build/run-driver-posix.sh into the root of the downloaded driver's dir.
$PLAYWRIGHT_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH print-api-json | jq > development/api.json
rm lib/playwright_api/*.rb
find documentation/docs -name "*.md" | grep -v documentation/docs/article/ | xargs rm
bundle exec ruby development/generate_api.rb
bundle exec rspec
- Testing with latest version of playwright driver might fail because of some breaking changes
- Testing with next version of playwright must be passed