Provides a means to generated templated arbitrary text from a git repo. The generator expects conventional commits. The template provides should be a normal Go template. You'll have the following context available when the template executes:
Higher level construct Commits is provided, a slice of commits with conventional commit information baked in at the .CC field of each commit.
You can run the following with the template below from the root of a git repo:
gitempl <<EOF
{{ range .Commits }}
{{ .Author }} commited by
{{ .Hash }} commit hash
{{ .HashShort }} commmit hash truncated to 7 chars
{{ .Message }} commit message full
{{ .Stats }} commit stats (additions/removals)
{{ with .CC }}
Abbreviated access using to conventional commit (CC) data:
{{ .Body }} body of CC
{{ .Desc }} description of CC
{{ .Footer }} footer of CC
{{ .Header }} header of CC
{{ .Scope }} scope of CC
{{ .Type }} type of CC
{{ range .Notes }}
{{ .Type }} type of note
{{ .Value }} value of note
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
For more information, see the gitempl -h