To compile and run this demo you will need:
- JDK 11+
Vert.x Mutiny webClient exploratory test.
- Vert.x WebClient
- Quarkus Resteasy Mutiny / Jsonb
- Quarkus configuration converters
- Exception mapper
- Automating testing
Brief description: This application is a third party proxy. Basically deliver Chuck Norris quotes through three endpoints:
request a random quote and parse the response with a Vert.x MutinymapTo
does exactly the same as/chuck
but the response is parsed by a JSON body codec. The result must be the same as/chuck
request two random quotes at the same time, and combine both quotes in a single result.
mvn quarkus:dev
Available endpoints:
curl -v http://localhost:8080/chuck
mvn test