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jscherer92 edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Quark wiki!

What has been done?

Well, after around a week has past and the following have been implemented in Windows:

  • A native Browser runtime (Utilizing the IWebBrowser2 instance).
  • ChakraCore is loaded in the background.
  • ChakraCore interprets a test script and displays it in the browser
  • IWebBrowser2 hooks have been added for eventing purposes
  • A test object has been loaded into the browser scripting engine and is what displays the test message
  • The start HTML page is placed next to the executable and this is what the executable launches

Where does that put this project?

I would say that this is at the point of being a PoC. All of the parts are there and are fairly easy to use (after understanding the Window's api).

What next?

Now is the time to create a MVP for this project. I want to have suggestions come in for the pieces that people will want from the Node side and the Electron API side. With these suggestions, I will come up with a MVP to work on in the Window's environment.

But it needs to be on all platforms!

Trust me, I want to get to this point, but my plan of attack is fairly simple. I want to get to a MVP status where people are able to use it and move forward with some test projects. From there, it will be porting the MVP to other platforms. I already have plans on how to get this to OSX and Linux, they just need to be executed.


  1. Proof of Concept - Done!
  2. MVP Design - planning on 2-3 weeks for this
  3. MVP Implementation - 4-6 weeks*
  4. Code cleanup and implementation - 2-3 weeks*
  5. MVP build on OSX - 4-6 weeks*
  6. MVP build on Linux - 4-6 weeks*
  7. Full Implementation - 2-3 months* (windows only)
  8. Full Implementation - 2-3 months* (OSX and Linux)

*implying there are no outside issues/things going on in life. Coding in my free time.

Volunteers for the MVP design

I would ask that if you would like to drive the design of the MVP build, then I would like people to post to the issue thread that will be created. In the next 3-5 days, once that is running, we can setup a discord server and knock the design out. From there, it will be posted to the Wiki and when a piece is finished I will update the status.

Thank you everyone!