Opening REPL:
lein repl
Getting help using doc:
(doc vector)
Creating new app:
lein new app helloworld
Invoke REPL inside project:
lein repl
Reload using require:
(require 'myapp.core :reload)
=> (def jkl2 "Jyväskylä 2")
True / false predicate functions:
=> (true? 0)
=> (false? 0)
=> :jkl
=> 1
=> 2
=> 3
Decimal numbers:
=> 2.5
=> 3.5
Fractional numbers:
=> 2/4
=> 1/3
=> (doc vector)
=> [2 3 4 5]
[2 3 3 4 5]
Accessing / manupulating vectors:
(count a)
(nth a 2)
(first a)
(second a)
(last a)
(rest a)
(get a 1)
Hashmap data type (key / value)
{:jkl "Jyväskylä", :tre "Tampere"}
Define hashmap as a named thing
(def m #{:gofore "Gofore"})
Remove from hasmap
{dissoc m :gofore}
Get from hashmap
(get m :gofore)
(update m :seppo "Seppo")
Keys as functions:
(:gofore m)
Nested data structures:
(def m3 {:jkl {:tsto "Lutakonaukio"}})
Access nested value:
(get-in m3 [:jkl :tsto])
Define list:
(list 1 2 3 4)
'(1 2 3 4)
- Completely thread-safe, swappable data structure
- Can be used in conjuntion with other data types
Initialize using atom macro:
(def arvo (atom 2))
Get value:
Modify atom:
(swap! arvo inc)
Clojure-convention: ! denotes function that has side-effects.
Defining anonymous functions
(defn f [p] (prn p))
Short of:
(def f (fn [p] (prn p)))
Nary functions:
(defn f3 [param1 & loput]
(prn param1)
(prn "Loput" loput)
Increase every vector value by one:
(map inc [1 2 3 4])
Sum vector:
(reduce + [1 2 3 4])
Using with anonymous functions:
(map (fn [x] (str x "-" x)) [1 2 3 4])
Shorter version:
(map #(str % "-" %) [1 2 3 4])
Generating new compojure app:
lein new compojure mybackend
lein ring server
Generate new app:
lein new reagent-frontend lullerson-front
lein figwheel