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Deploying a Flask App and the Gremlin Sidecar on Cloud Foundry

1. Download and Extract the Gremlin Sidecar Binary

  1. Pull the sidecar image (adjust for your architecture if necessary):

    # Default (pulls the appropriate image for your platform if available)
    docker pull gremlin/failure-flags-sidecar:latest
    # Alternatively, specify architecture:
    docker pull --platform=linux/amd64 gremlin/failure-flags-sidecar:latest
    docker pull --platform=linux/arm64 gremlin/failure-flags-sidecar:latest
  2. Create a temporary container:

    docker create --name failure-flags-extract gremlin/failure-flags-sidecar:latest
  3. Copy the sidecar binary from the container:

    docker cp failure-flags-extract:/failure-flags-sidecar failure-flags-sidecar
  4. Remove the container and make the binary executable:

    docker rm failure-flags-extract
    chmod +x failure-flags-sidecar

2. Create vars.yml

The manifest.yml uses (( placeholder )) syntax to inject secrets, you need to create a vars.yml file locally. This file should not be committed to source control, as it contains sensitive information.

Below is an example of what vars.yml could look like:

aws_access_key_id: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
aws_secret_access_key: "YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"

gremlin_team_id: "YOUR_GREMLIN_TEAM_ID"
gremlin_team_certificate: |-
gremlin_team_private_key: |-
  -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----
  1. Create a file named vars.yml in the same directory as your manifest.yml.
  2. Replace the placeholder values (YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID, YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, etc.) with your real credentials.
  3. Do not commit vars.yml to your git repository. It’s recommended to add vars.yml to .gitignore.

3. Configure manifest.yml

Below is an example manifest.yml for deploying your Flask app with the Python buildpack, plus the Gremlin sidecar. Adjust memory, paths, and environment variables as needed:

  - name: s3-failure-flags-app            # App name in CF
    memory: 512M                          # Memory for the container
    disk_quota: 1G                        # Disk space for the container
    instances: 1                          # Number of instances

      - python_buildpack                  # Use Python buildpack for Flask

    path: .                               # Push contents of current directory

    command: null                         # Let the buildpack detect and use your Procfile

      S3_BUCKET: "commoncrawl"            # Custom environment variables
      DEBUG_MODE: "false"
      CLOUD: "pcf"
      AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ((aws_access_key_id))
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ((aws_secret_access_key))
      GREMLIN_TEAM_ID: ((gremlin_team_id))
      GREMLIN_TEAM_CERTIFICATE: ((gremlin_team_certificate))
      GREMLIN_TEAM_PRIVATE_KEY: ((gremlin_team_private_key))
      GREMLIN_DEBUG: "true"
      SERVICE_NAME: "s3-failure-flags-app"

      - name: gremlin-sidecar
        process_types: ["web"]            # Attach sidecar to 'web' process
        memory: 256M
        disk_quota: 256M
        command: "./failure-flags-sidecar"  # Run Gremlin sidecar

4. Push to Cloud Foundry

From your project directory:

cf push --vars-file vars.yml
  • The Python buildpack installs dependencies (from requirements.txt: flask, boto3, requests, failureflags).
  • Both the Flask app and the Gremlin sidecar run in the same container, allowing local communication (localhost:5032).
