This test environment uses the libvirt virtualization API with KVM/QEMU to spin up multiple networked virtual machines running conjure software. The goal of creating this environment was to have a fully open source and easily portable option for testing a conjure deployment.
Note: this is NOT intended for use in a deployment setting. For ease of use,
there is an included ssh private key for each of the VMs (conjure
) as well as
a station private key (config/sysconfig/privkey
) and ClientConfig
- Ubuntu 22.04 - The automatic build for this development environment is currently only supported for ubuntu 22.04 due to differences in libvirt and virt-manager.
- Ubuntu 20.04 - Manual VM configuration and station build can be done on ubuntu
20.04 LTS (remove
option from makefile).
- libvirt
- iptables
- make
- virt-install (3.0 or newer -- works with 4.0.0)
- genisoimage
You will also need to clone the conjure station repository and set the
environment variable to the cloned repo path. This allows
the conjure station to be mounted on the station
vm and launched by the
automatic setup.
# pull the station if you haven't already
git clone
cd conjure
Optionally the CONJURE_H1_REPO
environment variable can be set to mount a
directory into the h1:/home/conjure-h1/host-repo/
guest vm directory. If
is unset then the h1
vm will be built without any mounted
repo and a repo can be pulled and built locally within the vm after start up.
For example the gotapdance client repository can be mounted on h1 for
development using:
# Pull the gotapdance client repo if not already available locally
# git clone
cd <path-to>/gotapdance
export CONJURE_H1_REPO=`pwd`/
# build and start the environment
sudo -E make
# connect to the h1 vm
./conjure-ssh h1
# gotapdance should now be mounted at ~/host-repo
cd host-repo/cli
go build .
There are three networked virtual machines in this setup:
- The
machine runs all of the tor bits including the client-side and bridge-side conjure code - The
machine runs the conjure relay station and is meant to represent an ISP/edge node that has deployed conjure - The
is additionally part of the relay station setup and passively taps traffic to send to the conjure station
Client traffic from the h1
machine is routed through the tap
machine on its
way to the outside internet, where a passive tap copies the traffic and diverts
it to the station
. From there, the client performs the registration protocol
and receives a phantom proxy to connect to.
The client then makes the phantom proxy connection to the station, which opens up a connection to the forward address specified in the registration.
The host networking setup only needs to be done once per restart of the host operating system. To do so, run
cd simulation/phantombox
sudo ./
This script requires sudo access for the usage of iptables. The commands are
documented in
and are reproduced here:
# Allow forwarded packets from internal tap network
sudo iptables -I LIBVIRT_FWO 1 -s -i virbr0 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I LIBVIRT_FWI 1 -d -o virbr0 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Turn off the host's ability to manipulate traffic in the internal network
echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
# Route all inbound packets to the internal network through the tap machine
sudo ip route add dev virbr0
sudo ip route change via dev virbr0
After the setup script is run, the virtual machines can be built by running:
sudo -E make
You can then ssh into each machine by running
./conjure-ssh [h1|tap|station]
You may need to change permissions on the private key to get it to work properly:
chmod 600 conjure
If everything works as intended, you shouldn't need to alter the tap or station setups.
To test using the client, either mount build the VM with the gotapdance repository mounted using CONJURE_H1_REPO
as described above or SSH into the h1 machine and pull the client code:
# copy in the simulation ClientConfig
scp -i conjure -o IdentitiesOnly=yes config/sysconfig/ClientConf conjure-h1@
./conjure-ssh h1
git clone
And then build the client and copy the ClientConfig from conjuure/simulation/phantombox/config/sysconfig/ClientConfig
to the correct assets/
cd gotapdance/cli
go build .
cp ~/ClientConf assets/
Open a transparent proxy connection to a <forward address>
using the gotapdance cli:
# Using the bidirectional registration API
./cli -connect-addr="<forward address>" -registrar 'api' -api-endpoint=""
# Using the registration API
./cli -connect-addr="<forward address>" -registrar 'api' -api-endpoint=""
#using the decoy registrar
./cli -connect-addr="<forward address>" -registrar 'decoy'
This opens a listener on port 10500 which clients can then transprently proxy traffic through to their chosen <forward address>
nc 10500
See the cli documentaiton for more details on cli usage.
Client traffic from the h1
machine is routed through the tap
machine on its way to the outside internet, where a passive tap copies the traffic and diverts it to the station
. From there, the client performs the registration protocol and receives a phantom proxy to connect to. The client then makes the phantom proxy connection to the station, which opens up a connection back to the bridge on the h1
To try the pt, first SSH into the h1 machine and pull the pluggable transport implementation:
./conjure-ssh h1
git clone conjure-pt
cd conjure-pt
alternatively the pt repo can be mounted into the h1
vm for developemnt be setting CONJURE_H1_REPO
before rebuilding the VM:
git clone conjure-pt
cd conjure-pt
export CONJURE_H1_REPO=`pwd`
sudo -E make clean
sudo -E make
./conjure-ssh h1
cd host-repo
And then build both the client and server:
cd client
go build
cd ../server
go build
cd ..
To run the bridge, use the provided torrc
cd server/
tor -f torrc
To run the client, do the same with the `torrc-testenv file:
cd client
tor -f torrc-testenv
To shutdown the vms, you can run:
make shutdown
to turn off all of them, or you make turn them off individually by running:
make shutdown-[h1|tap|station]
Station configs backed up by build can be restored in the conjure root directory using:
make restore
To restart a shutdown VM, run
make start
make start-[h1|tap|station]