This website will allow one to manage bookings. The data management includes create, update, delete. Login is included along with manager mappings. Tests are included. The technology includes a Frontend with ReactJS and Bootstrap, and a Backend with Java Spring and a MySQL Database.
Do not run the app locally. Always run (for tests as well) in a Docker environment.
The run docker images
shell% ./
shell% ./ # for AWS, wait a few minutes for container to start running Spring-Boot
shell% ./ # for locallaptop, wait a few minutes for container to start running Spring-Boot
One may need to connect to a local MySQL instance by adding the flag --net="host" to the docker run command in If running locally then login with james/p*12345
- The application port setting can be found under: src/main/resources/
- MySQL settings (port, login) can be found under: src/main/resources/
- A new manger can be added to MySQL using these scripts: scripts/
- MySQL DDL and DML scripts can be found under: scripts/
The script will run backend Java /Spring tests, and then run Frontend tests using phantomJS and ReactJS.TestUtils. The script in scripts/ must be run first.
docker-shell% ./
To get CLI Access to the Spring API, one must first login using curl with cookie-jar:
shell% curl --user james:password12345 --cookie-jar ./cookies http://localhost:8092/
shell% curl --cookie cookies "http://localhost:8092/api/bookings/search/findByMonthDepartureAndYearDeparture?month=12&year=1900"
To run on AWS use terraform, and the script is in ./scripts/terraform/
Example Call:
shell% ./scripts/terraform/
Enter the RDS snapshot name. It may take 10-20 minutes to setup, and wait a few more minutes after that for the EC2 instance with the Spring-Boot applicaiton to start
If the app does not start, then try restarting the docker container in the EC2 instance