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A text processing CLI tool that rewrites FS paths according to a pattern.


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Rew is a text processing CLI tool that rewrites FS paths according to a pattern.

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💡 What rew does

  1. Reads values from standard input.
  2. Rewrites them according to a pattern.
  3. Prints results to standard output.

Input values are assumed to be FS paths, however, rew is able to process any UTF-8 encoded text.

What rew does

📦 Installation

  • Set up a Rust development environment.

  • Install rew from sources using cargo.

    cargo install --git
  • Binaries will be installed to .cargo/bin/ in your home directory.

⌨️ Input

By default, values are read as lines from standard input. LF or CR+LF is auto-detected as a delimiter, independent of platform.

  • Use -z, --read-nul flag to read values delimited by NUL character.
  • Use -r, --read-raw flag to read whole input into memory as a single value.
  • Use -d, --read option to read values delimited by a specific character.
find         | rew    '{a}' # Convert output from find command to absolute paths
find -print0 | rew -z '{a}' # Use NUL delimiter in case paths contain newlines
echo "$PATH" | rew -d:      # Split PATH variable entries delimited by colon
rew -r 'A{}B' <data.txt     # Read file as a whole, prepend 'A', append 'B'

Input values can be also provided as additional arguments, after a pattern.

rew '{a}' *.txt # Wildcard expansion is done by shell

📝 Pattern

Pattern is a string describing how to generate output from an input.

Use --explain flag to print detailed explanation what a certain pattern does.

rew --explain 'file_{c|<3:0}.{e}'

By default, pattern characters are directly copied to output.

Input Pattern Output
* abc abc

Characters { and } form an expression which is evaluated and replaced in output.

Empty expression {} evaluates directly to input value.

Input Pattern Output
world {} world
world Hello_{}_! Hello_world_!

Expression may contain one or more filters, delimited by |, which are consecutively applied on input value.

Input Pattern Output Description
old.JPEG new.{e} new.JPEG Extension
old.JPEG new.{e|l} new.jpeg Extension + Lowercase
old.JPEG new.{e|l|r:e} new.jpg Extension + Lowercase + Remove e

Character # starts an escape sequence.

Sequence Description
#/ System directory separator
\ on Windows
/ everywhere else
#n New line
#r Carriage return
#t Horizontal tab
#0 Null
#{ Escaped {
#| Escaped |
#} Escaped {
## Escaped #

Use --escape option to set a different escape character.

rew '{R:#t: }'              # Replace tabs with spaces
rew '{R:\t: }' --escape='\' # Same thing, different escape character

If no pattern is provided, input values are directly copied to output.

printf 'a\0b' | rew -z # Convert NUL bytes to newlines

🛤️ Path filters

Filter Description
w Working directory
a Absolute path
A Relative path
p Normalized path
P Canonical path
d Parent directory
D Remove last name
f File name
F Last name
b Base name
B Remove extension
e Extension
E Extension with dot
z Ensure trailing separator
Z Remove trailing separator

To get a specific portion of path, use one of dD, fF, bB, eE filters.

Pattern Output
{} /home/alice/notes.txt
{d}, {D} /home/alice
{f}, {F} notes.txt
{b} notes
{B} /home/alice/notes
{e} txt
{E} .txt

Parent directory d might give a different result than D which removes last name of a path. Similarly, file name f might not be the same as last name F which is a complement of D.

Input {d} {D} {f} {F}
/ / / (empty) (empty)
/a / / a a
a/b a a b b
a . (empty) a a
. ./.. (empty) (empty) .
.. ../.. (empty) (empty) ..
(empty) .. (empty) (empty) (empty)

Extension with dot E can be useful when dealing with files with no extension.

Input new.{e} new{E}
old.txt new.txt new.txt
old new. new

Absolute path a and relative path A are both resolved against working directory w.

{w} Input {a} {A}
/home/alice /home/bob /home/bob ../bob
/home/alice ../bob /home/bob ../bob

By default, working directory w is set to your current working directory. You can change that using the -w, --working-directory option. w filter will always output an absolute path, even when you set relative one using the -w option.

rew -w '/home/alice' '{w}' # Absolute path
rew -w '../alice'    '{w}' # Relative to the current working directory

Normalized path p is constructed using the following rules:

  • On Windows, all / separators are converted to \\.
  • Consecutive directory separators are collapsed into one.
  • Non-root trailing directory separator is removed.
  • Unnecessary current directory . components are removed.
  • Parent directory .. components are resolved where possible.
  • Initial .. components in an absolute path are dropped.
  • Initial .. components in a relative path are kept.
  • Empty path is resolved to . (current directory).
Input Output Input Output
(empty) . / /
. . /. /
.. .. /.. /
a/ a /a/ /a
a// a /a// /a
a/. a /a/. /a
a/.. . /a/.. /
./a a /./a /a
../a ../a /../a /a
a//b a/b /a//b /a/b
a/./b a/b /a/./b /a/b
a/../b b /a/../b /b

Canonical path P works similarly to p but has some differences:

  • Evaluation will fail for a non-existent path.
  • Result will always be an absolute path.
  • If path is a symbolic link, it will be resolved.

Trailing separator filters z and Z can be useful when dealing with root and unnormalized paths.

Input {}b {}/b {z}b {Z}/b
/ /b //b /b /b
a ab a/b a/b a/b
a/ a/b a//b a/b a/b

🆎 Substring filters

Filter Description
nA-B Substring from index A to B.
Indices start from 1 and are both inclusive.
nA- Substring from index A to end.
nA Character at index A.
Equivalent to nA-A.
N Same as n but with backward indexing.


Input Pattern Output
abcde {n2-3} bc
abcde {N2-3} cd
abcde {n2-} bcde
abcde {N2-} abcd
abcde {n2} b
abcde {N2} d

🔍 Replace filters

Filter Description
r:X:Y Replace first occurrence of X with Y.
Any other character than : can be also used as a delimiter.
r:X Remove first occurrence of X.
Equivalent to r:X:
R Same as r but replaces/removes all occurrences.
?D Replace empty value with D.


Input Pattern Output
ab_ab {r:ab:xy} xy_ab
ab_ab {R:ab:xy} xy_xy
ab_ab {r:ab} _ab
ab_ab {R:ab} _
abc {?def} abc
(empty) {?def} def

⭐ Regex filters

Filter Description
=E Match of regular expression E.
s:X:Y Replace first match of regular expression X with Y.
Y can reference capture groups from X using $1, $2, ...
Any other character than : can be also used as a delimiter.
s:X Remove first match of regular expression X.
Equivalent to s:X:.
S Same as s but replaces/removes all matches.
1, 2, ... Capture group of an external regular expression.


Input Pattern Output
12_34 {=\d+} 12
12_34 {s:\d+:x} x_34
12_34 {S:\d+:x} x_x
12_34 {s:(\d)(\d):$2$1} 21_34
12_34 {S:(\d)(\d):$2$1} 21_43
  • Use -e, --regex / -E, --regex-filename option to define an external regular expression.
  • Option -e, --regex matches regex against each input value.
  • Option -E, --regex-filename matches regex against filename component of each input value.
echo 'a/b.c' | rew -e '([a-z])' '{1}' # Will print 'a'
echo 'a/b.c' | rew -E '([a-z])' '{1}' # Will print 'b'

🎨 Format filters

Filter Description
t Trim white-spaces from both sides.
u Convert to uppercase.
l Convert to lowercase.
i Convert non-ASCII characters to ASCII.
I Remove non-ASCII characters.
<<M Left pad with mask M.
<N:M Left pad with N times repeated mask M.
Any other non-digit than : can be also used as a delimiter.
>>M Right pad with mask M.
>N:M Right pad with N times repeated mask M.
Any other non-digit than : can be also used as a delimiter.


Input Pattern Output
..a..b.. {t} a..b (dots are white-spaces)
aBčĎ {u} ABČĎ
aBčĎ {l} abčď
aBčĎ {a} aBcD
aBčĎ {A} aB
abc {<<123456} 124abc
abc {>>123456} abc456
abc {<3:XY} XYXabc
abc {>3:XY} abcYXY

♾️ Generators

Filter Description
*N:V Repeat N times V.
Any other non-digit than : can be also used as a delimiter.
c Local counter
C Global counter
uA-B Random number from interval [A, B]
uA- Random number from interval [A, 264)
u Random number from interval [0, 264)
U Random UUID


Pattern Output
{*3:ab} ababab
{c} (see below)
{C} (see below)
{u0-99} (random number between 0-99)
{U} 5eefc76d-0ca1-4631-8fd0-62eeb401c432 (random)
  • Global counter C is incremented for every input value.
  • Local counter c is incremented per parent directory (assuming input value is a path).
  • Both counters start at 1 and are incremented by 1.
Input Global counter Local counter
a/x 1 1
a/y 2 2
b/x 3 1
b/y 4 2
  • Use -c, --local-counter option to change local counter configuration.
  • Use -C, --global-counter option to change global counter configuration.
rew -c0   '{c}' # Start from 0, increment by 1
rew -c2:3 '{c}' # Start from 2, increment by 3

💬 Output

By default, results are printed as lines to standard output.

  • Use -Z, --print-nul flag to print results delimited by NUL character.
  • Use -R, --print-raw flag to print results without a delimiter.
  • Use -D, --print options to print results delimited by a specific string.
  • Use -T, --no-trailing-delimiter flag to not print final delimiter at the end of output.
rew    '{B}' | xargs    mkdir -p # Pass extracted directories to mkdir command
rew -Z '{B}' | xargs -0 mkdir -p # Use NUL delimiter in case paths contain newlines
rew -D$'\r\n'                    # Convert newlines to CR+LF using custom output delimiter
rew -R '{}#r#n'                  # Same thing but output delimiter is inside pattern
rew -TD+ '{}' a b c              # Join input values to string "a+b+c"

Apart from this (standard) mode, there are also two other output modes.

🤖 Diff mode

  • Enabled using -b, --diff flag.
  • Respects --print* flags/options.
  • Ignores --no-trailing-delimiter flag.
  • Prints machine-readable transformations as results:

Such output can be processed by accompanying mvb and cpb utilities to perform bulk move/copy.

find -name '*.jpeg' | rew -b '{B}.jpg' | mvb # Rename all *.jpeg files to *.jpg
find -name '*.txt'  | rew -b '{}.bak'  | cpb # Make backup copy of each *.txt file

🌹 Pretty mode

  • Enabled using -p, --pretty flag.
  • Ignores --print* flags/options.
  • Ignores --no-trailing-delimiter flag.
  • Prints human-readable transformations as results:
input_value_1 -> output_value_1
input_value_2 -> output_value_2
input_value_N -> output_value_N

🔬 Comparison with similar tools

rew vs rename / prename

  • Unlike rename, rew can read input paths directly from standard input. Use of xargs to pass output of find or fd is not needed.
  • Unlike rename, rew is only a text-processing tool and it is unable to rename files. You have to use accompanying mvb / cpb utilities, or you can generate executable shell code.
find -name '*.jpeg' | xargs rename .jpeg .jpg      # Rename *.jpeg files to *.jpg
find -name '*.jpeg' | rew '{B}.jpg' -b | mvb       # Same thing using rew + mvb
find -name '*.jpeg' | rew 'mv "{}" "{B}.jpg"' | sh # Same thing using rew + mv + sh

rew vs sed / sd

  • Like sed or sd, rew is able to replace text using a regular expression.
echo "foo 123 bar" | sed -E 's/[^0-9]*([0-9]+).*/\1/' # Extract first number using sed
echo "foo 123 bar" | sd '\D*(\d+).*' '$1'    # Same thing using sd
echo "Foo 123 Bar" | rew '{s:\D*(\d+).*:$1}' # Same thing using rew (regex replace filter)
echo "Foo 123 Bar" | rew -e'(\d+)' '{1}'     # Same thing using rew (external regex)
echo "Foo 123 Bar" | rew '{=\d+}'            # Same thing using rew (regex match filter)

🚀 Examples

ℹ️ Use rew --explain <pattern> to print detailed explanation what a certain pattern does.

Print contents of working directory as absolute paths.

rew '{a}' *    # Paths are passed as arguments, wildcard expansion is done by shell
ls | rew '{a}' # Paths are read from standard input

Rename all *.jpeg files to *.jpg.

find -name '*.jpeg' | rew -b '{B}.jpg' | mvb -v

Same thing but we use rew to generate executable shell code.

find -name '*.jpeg' | rew 'mv -v "{}" "{B}.jpg"' | sh

Make backup copy of each *.txt file with .txt.bak extension in the same directory.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -b '{}.bak'  | cpb -v

Copy *.txt files (keep directory structure) to the ~/Backup directory.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -b "$HOME/Backup/{p}"  | cpb -v

Copy *.txt files (flatten directory structure) to the ~/Backup directory.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -b "$HOME/Backup/{f}"  | cpb -v

Same thing but we append randomly generated suffix after base name to avoid name collisions.

find -name '*.txt'  | rew -b "$HOME/Backup/{b}_{U}.{e}"  | cpb -v

Flatten directory structure ./dir/subdir/ to ./dir_subdir/.

find -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | rew -b '{D}_{f}' | mvb -v

Normalize base names of files to file_001, file_002, ...

find -type f | rew -b '{d}/file_{C|<3:0}{E}' | mvb -v

Print the first word of each line with removed diacritics (accents).

rew '{=\S+|i}' <input.txt

Swap the first and second column in a CSV file.

rew -e'([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)' '{2}:{1}:{3}' <input.csv >output.csv

Same thing but we use regex replace filter.

rew '{s/([^:]*):([^:]*):(.*)/$2:$1:$3}' <input.csv >output.csv

Print PATH variable entries as lines.

echo "$PATH" | rew -d: # PATH entries are delimited by ':'

Replace tabs with 4 spaces in a file.

rew -rR '{R:#t:    }' <input.txt >output.txt # Read/write file content as a whole

Normalize line endings in a file to LF.

rew <input.txt >output.txt # LF is the default output delimiter

Normalize line endings in a file to CR+LF.

rew -D$'\r\n'   <input.txt >output.txt # CR+LF delimiter using -D option
rew -R '{}#r#n' <input.txt >output.txt # CR+LF delimiter inside pattern

📄 License

Rew is licensed under the MIT license.