A spectator can now see the special infected model glows though the wall
Image | 圖示
Apply to | 適用於
Changelog | 版本日誌
v2.9 (2024-3-19)
- Require Attachments API
v2.8 (2023-6-19)
- Optimize code and improve performance
v2.6 (2023-2-4)
- Remove glow if client leaves the game
v2.5 (2023-1-27)
- Support confoglcompmod Plugin: This plugin change tank into ghost state when tank spawns
v2.4 (2023-1-22)
- Support l4d2_profitless_ai_tank Plugin
v2.3 (2022-12-5)
- Support Zombie Change Class Plugin
- Remake code
- Alive SI glow color
- Ghost SI glow color
- Admin Flag to toggle Speatator watching cheat
- Enable Speatator watching cheat for spectators default valve
- Initial Release
Require | 必要安裝
Related Plugin | 相關插件
l4d_flashlight_speconly: Attaches an extra flashlight to spectators and dead survivors.
l4d_versus_specListener: Allows spectator listen others team voice and see others team chat for l4d
HP Sprite: Shows a sprite at the client head based on its HP
l4d2healthglow: Gives the Survivors a health glow around them + For the infected, survivors always glow with a non-disappearing aura. (Even if survivor doesn't move or walk)
根據玩家生命值狀態給予輪廓光圈適當的顏色 + 對抗模式中,特感永遠能看到人類光圈 (即使人類靜走或不動)
l4d2_wallhack_cheat: Admins can use commands to see the infected model glows though the wall
ConVar | 指令
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_specting_cheat.cfg
// Ghost SI glow color, Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue. l4d2_specting_cheat_ghost_color "255 255 255" // Alive SI glow color, Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue. l4d2_specting_cheat_alive_color "255 0 0" // Players with these flags have access to use command to toggle Speatator watching cheat. (Empty = Everyone, -1: Nobody) l4d2_specting_cheat_use_command_flag "z" // Enable Speatator watching cheat for spectators default? [1-Enable/0-Disable] l4d2_specting_cheat_default_value "0"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_specting_cheat.cfg
Command | 命令
- Toggle Speatator watching cheat (spectator only)
sm_speccheat sm_watchcheat sm_lookcheat sm_seecheat sm_meetcheat sm_starecheat sm_hellocheat sm_areyoucheat sm_fuckyoucheat sm_zzz
- Toggle Speatator watching cheat (spectator only)
- 生成特感或變成靈魂特感時在特感玩家身上創造光圈,只有旁觀者能看見
- 即使旁觀者觀看人類視角第一人稱,也能看到特感光圈
- 此插件本意只是拿來抓鬼(偷看倖存者誰開了透視外掛)
- 提供旁觀者非常好的觀賞性 (常被對抗比賽伺服器拿去用)
指令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_specting_cheat.cfg
// 靈魂特感的光圈顏色. 三個0-255的數值,需要空白間隔. (RGB 三色) l4d2_specting_cheat_ghost_color "255 255 255" // 活著特感的光圈顏色. 三個0-255的數值,需要空白間隔. (RGB 三色) l4d2_specting_cheat_alive_color "255 0 0" // 擁有這些權限的玩家,才可以輸入命令開關 (留白 = 任何人都能, -1: 無人) l4d2_specting_cheat_use_command_flag "z" // 為1時,自動幫旁觀者打開特感的光圈 l4d2_specting_cheat_default_value "0"
- cfg\sourcemod\l4d2_specting_cheat.cfg
命令中文介紹 (點我展開)
- 使用指令關閉或開啟光圈 (旁觀者專用)
sm_speccheat sm_watchcheat sm_lookcheat sm_seecheat sm_meetcheat sm_starecheat sm_hellocheat sm_areyoucheat sm_fuckyoucheat sm_zzz
- 使用指令關閉或開啟光圈 (旁觀者專用)