Boom Software , UK .
- Rajshahi University, Rajshahi.
Problem-Solving-Solutions Public
Only Graph , Tree , LinkedList , Backtracking Problem Solutions
react-shopping Public
A very normal e-commerce website prototype demo using react js and javscript styling .
HTML UpdatedFeb 18, 2022 -
A simple messenger clone with three navigated screen (login , profile , chat), background animation and background sound with your messages .Delete message and Replying Particular Message supported…
Lingo-Twist Public
Storing Facebook,Gmail,Instragam,Phone Number and whatsapp details .By using this app one can find particular id from here.
A normal kid's tic-tac-toe game with computer by react-Typescript.
HTML UpdatedApr 29, 2021 -
Chat-bot-React-Typescript- Public
A fun based well designed chatbot which will talk to you according to written algorithm made by react and typescript.
HTML UpdatedApr 29, 2021 -
DP-Problem-Solution Public
LCS , LIS , Bitmask dp , Coin Change Variant ,Codeforces -dp ,palindromic dp ,colouring dp ,counting dp
Strongly Connected Component (SCC), Cycle Detecting and Topological Sort problems , Disjoint Set Union (DSU) problems.
These problems can make you help to increase your ratings in Codeforces.
sorting , binary search , ternary search ,custom-sort ,2D sort
Segment tree with lazy propagation , Segment tree without lazy propagation ,Binary Index Tree (BIT)
Number-Theory Public
Number Theory , Math, Inclusion-Exclusion,Combinatorics,Counting ,Sieve ,Euler's totient ,Fermat's theorem .