Take a selfie on your mobile phone and upload it to your esp32 OLED screen.
Or maybe your sleeping cat?
It is also possible to run https://guvcview.sourceforge.net/ on a Raspberry Pi / Eee Pc like a real "Picture Booth" and have that image show on the esp32's OLED. That was the orignal intent.
This can be a fun ice-breaker at a holiday get together / party like Thanksgiving or wherever humans gather.
- esp32
- Raspberry Pi or equivalent like EEE PC running linux
- An OLED - this works great - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KY21SR2/ - 0.96" OLED Display 128x64 Pixel SSD1306 I2C
In order to set this up you'll first install your esp32 on your wireless network and connect an OLED screen. For fun, in this project I have 2 OLED screens connected to the esp32 using the ssd1306 driver as well as the sh1106 driver.
If you want a 'real' photo at a decent size, this project also supports the - 320x240 SPI Serial ILI9341 - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XHJ9KRX - (set displayt in pic_runner.py)
Since the esp32 is not powerful enough to process images and does not have the pillow package you'll need another computer like a Raspberry Pi to process the images. This machine will be running Flask/Flask Reuploaded and will accept the uploaded images, process them and make available (run pic_booth.sh to move them in the background). A text string is what the esp32 will consume to be able to display the image on its OLED.
I would recommend reviewing the Brilliant Walk Through for more in depth technical details as they have already done the work.
- Configs / Libraries shared in https://github.com/jouellnyc/mcconfigs
- Lighting is EVERYTHING!
- modify your DNS to point to something like 'upload' to find the upload server easily.
- sh1106 driver
- Gurgle Apps (base64 and ssd1306 driver)
Free Online Image Editor - ResizePixel https://www.resizepixel.com/
- Brilliant Walk Through
- Flask Reuploaded