Monte is a StarCraft II Terran rule-based bot. Its architecture is based off of parts of CommandCenter I liked.
Monte currently supports the following features:
- Supports building for the SC2 AI Arena ladder
- Building addons
- Basic worker distribution, including long-distance mining
- Calling MULES
- Rudimentary scouting to find enemy bases
- Primitive Reaper micro
More information can be found in the wiki (WIP).
:: Clone the project.
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd monte-bot
:: Create build directory.
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
:: Create Visual Studio project files.
:: For Visual Studio 2019.
$ cmake ../ -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
:: For Visual Studio 2017.
$ cmake ../ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
:: Build the project.
$ cmake --build . --parallel
:: Launch the bot with the specified path to a SC2 map, e.g.
$ bin\Debug\Monte.exe Maps/EverDream506.SC2Map
# Clone the project.
$ git clone --recursive && cd monte-bot
# Create build directory.
$ mkdir build && cd build
# Generate a Makefile.
# Use 'cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../' if debuginfo is needed
# Debug build also contains additional debug features and chat commands support.
# or use 'cmake -DBUILD_FOR_LADDER=ON -DSC2_VERSION=4.10.0 ../' to build for aiarena ladder if using 4.10.0 IDs in code
# otherwise, 'cmake -DBUILD_FOR_LADDER=ON ../' is fine for ladder too (for now)
$ cmake ../
# Build the project.
$ VERBOSE=1 cmake --build . --parallel
# Launch the bot with the specified absolute path to a SC2 map, e.g.
$ ./bin/Monte "/Users/josht/.../EverDream506.SC2Map"
- ladder code, CMakelists and build instructions are from BlankBot
- the procedure for finding expansions is from MulleMech
- Type conversion utilities are from suvorov-bot
All of the above projects use the MIT license.