Jordan Bui (BroncoID: 011821368)
CPP Fall 2020
CS 2640 Computer Organization and Assembly Programming
Implementation for Search program.
- Main declares an array of bytes with value "MIPS assemblt language!"
- Use search to find the "!" letter and output the location in the array
- Use search to find the "z" letter and output the location in the array
- MIPS file saved as search.s
- Tested using QTSpim program
This program creates a search function that sequentially searches array x of N bytes for the relatinve location L of a value V.
- Array x, number of bytes N, and value V are all passed into the function.
- Location L is returned. (number from 1 to N)
- Returns -1 for L if V is not found.
Search by F. Last
MIPS assembly language!