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I have read the guidelines for contributing and I understand:
- My issue is happening in the latest version of SideMenu.My issue was not solved in the README.My issue can not be answered on issue is not a request for new functionality that I am unwilling to build and contribute with a pull request.My issue is reproducible in the demo project.
Issue Description
Status bar of the transitioned view is white
see the image below
after clicking on the transitioned view the status bar place take over by the view
The issue is reproduced on Xcode 9 GM
iPhone 7,8,10 simulator
jonkykong commentedon Sep 13, 2017
Thanks for reporting. I'm going to roll this into a pending update for Swift 4 with Xcode 9 once it's officially released.
jonkykong commentedon Sep 21, 2017
@frenkelor best I can tell, this is a regression or change in functionality in iOS 11 that I cannot easily account for. Whenever a navigation bar is not aligned with the window's top, the height is automatically reduced because it's assumed it does not need to allow space for the status bar.
A work around is to snapshot the main view controller and overlay the snapshot. I have not added this to the library as it would break existing functionality promises (
as well as screen rotation ugliness).Example work-around, placed inside of your
subclass:frenkelor commentedon Sep 21, 2017
strange thing is after clicking on the transformed view the one in the right somthing happens the view geting refreshed and the white space disappears
jonkykong commentedon Sep 21, 2017
I observed this as well. It appears to update the view based on where the animation will end, not where it begins. Additionally, starting but then cancelling the interactive drag leaves it in the correct state.
The fix I stated above is how a lot of other menu controls get away with this problem. If your app only supports portrait layout you should be in the clear, otherwise you'll have to account for rotation or disable rotation while the menu is displayed.
calli23 commentedon Oct 6, 2017
After desperate hours of trying to solve this issue I got an answer. Just check off translucent checkbox for navigationBar...that worked for me.
jonkykong commentedon Oct 6, 2017
@calli23 thanks a ton for that update. I tested this out myself, and while it appears to solve the scrolling jump and white bar, the status bar area still disappears as the main view transforms instantly which isn't smooth.
Additionally, some developers might still be wanting to support translucency on the navigation bar, so I can only call this a partial work-around for now. You can also uncheck extending edges under the top bar for the same effect.
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