Follow these instructions to set up and run our provided Docker image.
Build or Pull the provided docker images.
git clone itrex
cd itrex
cd itrex
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile_chatbot --target cpu --network=host -t chatbot:latest .
If you need to use proxy, please use the following command
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=${http_proxy} --build-arg https_proxy=${http_proxy} --target cpu -f docker/Dockerfile_chatbot -t chatbot:latest .
cd itrex
docker build -f docker/Dockerfile_chatbot --target hpu -t chatbot:latest .
docker pull intel/ai-tools:itrex-chatbot
Utilize the docker container based on docker image.
docker run -itd --net=host --ipc=host chatbot:latest /bin/bash
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
export no_proxy=localhost,,
cd intel_extension_for_transformers/neural_chat/tests
python server/