diff --git a/Readme.md b/Readme.md
index d837f2d647..dcc965187b 100644
--- a/Readme.md
+++ b/Readme.md
@@ -484,52 +484,9 @@ $.root().append('
-#### $.dom()
-Get the raw DOM of the parsed HTML document.
-//=> [{
-// type: 'tag',
-// name: 'ul',
-// attribs: { id: 'fruits' },
-// children:
-// [ [Object],
-// [Object],
-// [Object],
-// [Object],
-// [Object],
-// [Object],
-// [Object] ],
-// parent: null,
-// prev: null,
-// next: null
-// }]
#### $.contains( container, contained )
Checks to see if the `contained` DOM element is a descendent of the `container` DOM element.
-#### $.isArray( array )
-Checks to see the passed argument is an array.
-$.isArray( $.dom() )
-//=> true
-#### $.inArray( elem, arr )
-Checks to see if the element is in the array
-#### $.makeArray( obj )
-Turns an array-like object (like $) into a native array.
-#### $.each( obj, function(index, elem) )
-Generic iterator function.
-#### $.merge( one, two )
-Merge the contents of two arrays together into the first array.
## Screencasts