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Migrating from

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133 lines (114 loc) · 5.54 KB

Migrating from 0.8

Version 0.9 introduced an API change to bring the library's APIs more in-line with the Composable Architecture, including the use of case paths. These are breaking changes, so it requires some migration. There are two migration routes:

  • Full migration, to bring your project fully in-line with the new APIs.
  • Easy migration, for if you want to migrate as quickly as possible, so you can work on full migration at your leisure.

Full migration

  1. The state and action protocols have been deprecated/removed. You can remove conformances to the IndexedRouterState, IndexedRouterAction, IdentifiedRouterState and IdentifiedRouterAction protocols.
  2. To enable access to case paths on your coordinator's action type, add the @Reducer macro to your coordinator reducer.
  3. Your coordinator's action can be simplified. Instead of the routeAction and updateRoutes cases, it should have just one case: either case router(IndexedRouterActionOf<Screen>) or case router(IdentifiedRouterActionOf<Screen>), where Screen is your screen reducer. You will also need to update any references to those cases, e.g. rather than pattern-matching on case .routeAction(_, let action): you would pattern-match on case .router(.routeAction(_, let action)):, since they are now nested within the .router(...) case.
  4. Where you previously called forEachRoute { ... }, you should now pass a keypath and case path for the relevant parts of your state and action, e.g. forEachRoute(\.routes, action: \.router) { ... }.
  5. Where you previously instantiated a TCARouter in your view with the coordinator's entire store, you now scope the store using the same keypath and case path, e.g. TCARouter(store.scope(state: \.routes, action: \.router)) { ... }.
  6. If you were previously using Effect.routeWithDelaysIfUnsupported(state.routes) { ... }, you will now need to additionally pass a casepath for the relevant action: e.g. Effect.routeWithDelaysIfUnsupported(state.routes, action: \.router) { ... }.

Here's a full diff for migrating a coordinator:

struct IndexedCoordinatorView: View {
  let store: StoreOf<IndexedCoordinator>

  var body: some View {
-    TCARouter(store) { screen in
+    TCARouter(store.scope(state: \.routes, action: \.router)) { screen in
      SwitchStore(screen) { screen in
        switch screen {
        case .home:
            action: Screen.Action.home,
            then: HomeView.init
        case .numbersList:
            action: Screen.Action.numbersList,
            then: NumbersListView.init
        case .numberDetail:
            action: Screen.Action.numberDetail,
            then: NumberDetailView.init

struct IndexedCoordinator {
-  struct State: Equatable, IndexedRouterState {
+  struct State: Equatable {
    var routes: [Route<Screen.State>]

-  enum Action: IndexedRouterAction {
+  enum Action {
-    case routeAction(Int, action: Screen.Action)
-    case updateRoutes([Route<Screen.State>])
+    case router(IndexedRouterActionOf<Screen>)

  var body: some ReducerOf<Self> {
    Reduce<State, Action> { state, action in
      switch action {
-      case .routeAction(_, .home(.startTapped)):
+      case .router(.routeAction(_, .home(.startTapped))):
        state.routes.presentSheet(.numbersList(.init(numbers: Array(0 ..< 4))), embedInNavigationView: true)

-      case let .routeAction(_, .numbersList(.numberSelected(number))):
+      case let .router(.routeAction(_, .numbersList(.numberSelected(number)))):
        state.routes.push(.numberDetail(.init(number: number)))

-      case .routeAction(_, .numberDetail(.goBackTapped)):
+      case .router(.routeAction(_, .numberDetail(.goBackTapped))):

-      case .routeAction(_, .numberDetail(.goBackToRootTapped)):
+      case .router(.routeAction(_, .numberDetail(.goBackToRootTapped))):
-        return .routeWithDelaysIfUnsupported(state.routes) {
+        return .routeWithDelaysIfUnsupported(state.routes, action: \.router) {

      return .none
-    .forEachRoute {
+    .forEachRoute(\.routes, action: \.router) {

Easy migration

As an alternative to the above, you might prefer to perform a simpler migration in the short-term. If so, you can skip steps 2 and 3 above, and instead manually add a casepath to your coordinator's action type:

// Quick update for an action that formerly conformed to `IdentifiedRouterAction`.
enum Action: CasePathable {
  case updateRoutes(IdentifiedArrayOf<Route<Screen.State>>)
  case routeAction(Screen.State.ID, action: Screen.Action)

  static var allCasePaths = AllCasePaths()

  struct AllCasePaths {
    var router: AnyCasePath<Action, IdentifiedRouterAction<Screen.State, Screen.Action>> {
      AnyCasePath { routerAction in
        switch routerAction {
        case let .routeAction(id, action):
          return .routeAction(id, action: action)
        case let .updateRoutes(newRoutes):
          return .updateRoutes(IdentifiedArray(uniqueElements: newRoutes))
      } extract: { action in
        switch action {
        case let .routeAction(id, action: action):
          return .routeAction(id: id, action: action)
        case let .updateRoutes(newRoutes):
          return .updateRoutes(newRoutes.elements)