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Make the Pull Request from your own GitHub account. Make sure you're changing the file in my repo (not your fork). I suggest you @mention me (@joewadcan) in the Pull Request, so we can chat and fix any issues that come up.
Wadcan, Joe (@joewadcan)
Anusionwu, Ije (@IAmIje)
Berren, Becca (@beccaberren)
Bertels, John (@jbertels14)
Bonifaz, Adriana (@adri-bonifaz)
Bricker, Will (@wbricker29)
Chen, Victoria (@vicchenx)
Dantas, Henrique (@henriquedc1)
Diaz, Raul (@rdiaz1987)
Doherty, Mike (@Mike-Doherty-80)
Ekop, Roland (@Rol-E)
Renggana, Erlangga (@erlanggarenggana)
Farsio, Sara (@sarafarsio)
Filatov, Anton (@feelko)
Florez, Julian (@julianflorezg)
Froehlich, Matthias (@Frolex)
Fujitani, Naohiro (@NaoFujitani)
Garcia Amor, Illan (@illanxr)
Garcia, Celso (@CelsoGGB)
Garg, Nisha (@ng2217)
Greff, James (@PhaizerJ)
Heumann, Andrew (@aheumann89)
Huang, Xiaoxiao (@Xiaoxiao0108)
Ishii, Yuri(@yuri-ishii)
Johnson, Benny (@republicofheaven)
Kawatra, Aanchal (@aanchalkawatra)
Kim, Maxwell (@mkim20)
Kochevar, Michael (@mkhaas6)
Kodira, Chengappa (@cukodira - test 10.24)
Lampka, Silke (@slampka)
Larson, Thomas (@thomaslarson7)
Lau, Sharon (@sharlau)
Leonard, Oscar (@oscarleonard)
Louth, Brittany (@blouth620)
Lynn, Cindy (@clynn00)
McGrath, Allyse (@amograth)
Nusinow, Matthew (@mnusinow)
OReilly, Samuel (@soreilly292)
Platt, Noah (@Noah-Platt)
Rana, Rohit (@rrohit4)
Rank, Stephanie (@stephrank)
Renson, Erika (@erikarenson)
Rentz, Katie (@katierentz)
Rubio, Nicolas (@nicorubio) :rocket
Salazar Romero, Belen (@belen-salazar) :rocket
Seitibraimov, Amet (@Amet-Seit) :rocket
Seo, Joon (@Joon-seo)
Severin, Alex (@seveale09)
Simnick, Jeff (@jeffsimnick)
Soares, Bree (@breesoares)
Sublett, Andrew (@asublett)
Tan, Deborah (@deborahtanpc)
Tomlinson, Kate (@KateTomlinson121)
Tortorello, Matt (@mltortorello)
Wang, Jie (@wonjann)
Warner, Kyle (@Kwarner77)
Yuan, Xin (@xinyuanfall2019)
Zhang, Chi (@zhangchi67)