An easy way to build forms and return data in SwiftUI.
SimpleForm is a swift package and can be installed using the Apple Developer guide below.
How to add a Swift Package to your project.
import SwiftUI
import SimpleForm
struct ContentView: View {
var simpleForm = SF()
var body: some View {
// Section One
let sectionOne = SimpleFormSection()
sectionOne.model.fields.append(SimpleFormField(textField: "First Name", labelPosition: .above, name: "first_name", value: "", validation: [.required]))
sectionOne.model.fields.append(SimpleFormField(textField: "Last Name", name: "last_name", value: "", validation:[.required, .regex(#"^\d*$"#, "Please enter numbers only.")]))
sectionOne.model.fields.append(SimpleFormField(textField: "Email", labelPosition: .above, name: "email", value: "", validation: [.required, .email], keyboardType: .emailAddress))
sectionOne.model.fields.append(SimpleFormField(sliderField: "Opacity", name: "opacity", value: 0.85, range: 0...1))
// Section Two
let sectionTwo = SimpleFormSection()
sectionTwo.model.fields.append(SimpleFormField(pickerField: "Greetings", name: "greeting", selection: 2, options: [1,13,24], display: { options in
return AnyView(
List(0 ..< options.count) { row in
HStack {
Rectangle().fill( 100, height: 100)
Text("\(options[row] as! Int)").frame(minWidth:100)
sectionTwo.model.fields.append(SimpleFormField(stepperField: "How many steps?", name: "steps", value: 20, range: 0...50))
sectionTwo.model.fields.append(SimpleFormField(toggleField: "Agree to Terms", name: "agree_to_terms", value: false))
return NavigationView {
.navigationBarTitle("Simple Form", displayMode: .inline).navigationBarItems(trailing: Button(action: {
let formValues = self.simpleForm.getValues()
let formValid = self.simpleForm.isValid()
print("Form Valid: ", formValid)
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {