Controls the Dream Cheeky O.I.C Storm & Thunder USB Missile Launchers.
There are a few projects for using older launchers in Linux, but I couldn't find any for this launcher, so... enjoy.
This script requires PyUSB 1.0+, apt in Debian/Ubuntu installs 0.4. To install PyUSB 1.0 by hand:
git clone git://
cd pyusb
python install --user
Also, on Debian\Ubuntu systems you need the python-imaging-tk
You need to run as root or add the following rule to udev (e.g. /etc/udev/rules.d/80-storm-launcher.rules)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2123", ATTR{idProduct}=="1010", GROUP="games"
Make sure your restart udev, unplug/plug the Storm Launcher to your pc.
sudo service udev restart
Please put the current user into the games group, and log out and login afterwards.
sudo gpasswd -a `whoami` games
git clone
cd stormLauncher
- Use arrow keys aim.
- Press return to fire.